I just started reading and I already know it isn’t them but his uncle who murdered his mother. A big hunch! She’s a shut in and extremely shy so her actions are irritating to us but imagine being in her shoes. Also, she isn’t dumb, she’s logical and trying to figure stuff out..for now I will hold my judgment!
This ability has its flaws too. On the a sociopath, it can have misleading effects, since sociopaths emotions are almost always positive even when doing evil thing since they don’t have a sense of guilt
either she and her son are sociopaths who fake their emotions/tend to show positive emotions even when doing negative things or they were framed
I just started reading and I already know it isn’t them but his uncle who murdered his mother. A big hunch! She’s a shut in and extremely shy so her actions are irritating to us but imagine being in her shoes. Also, she isn’t dumb, she’s logical and trying to figure stuff out..for now I will hold my judgment!
Gurl dont trust her pleaseee
⬇️ ooh too true
I Cant_Sleep
This ability has its flaws too. On the a sociopath, it can have misleading effects, since sociopaths emotions are almost always positive even when doing evil thing since they don’t have a sense of guilt