OMG HAHAHAHHAHA THE FUNNIEST SHIT i remember one of the comments saying that this story keeps spitting shit out of left field AND ONGGGGG IT DOES HAHAHAHAHAHAH fun fact… rigel is a pretty famous star in a pretty famous constellation called the ORION. Rigel is also “falsely accused” as that while its name is BETA ORIONIS, it’s actually the brightest star in the constellation. (star names start from brightest i.e. my name is ALPHARD (aka alpha hydrae brightest star in constellation hydra) … the funny thing is that rigel is so bright that u can actually see it from the naked eye, the not so funny thing is that its “close to dying” (like 9million years? lol not as close but for stars it is). BUT THE FUNNIEST THING, like i said, im named after a star, but guess who is named rigel… my older brother LMAOOOO ahahhaha my older brother is in this story 💀💀💀
OMG HAHAHAHHAHA THE FUNNIEST SHIT i remember one of the comments saying that this story keeps spitting shit out of left field AND ONGGGGG IT DOES HAHAHAHAHAHAH fun fact… rigel is a pretty famous star in a pretty famous constellation called the ORION. Rigel is also “falsely accused” as that while its name is BETA ORIONIS, it’s actually the brightest star in the constellation. (star names start from brightest i.e. my name is ALPHARD (aka alpha hydrae brightest star in constellation hydra) … the funny thing is that rigel is so bright that u can actually see it from the naked eye, the not so funny thing is that its “close to dying” (like 9million years? lol not as close but for stars it is). BUT THE FUNNIEST THING, like i said, im named after a star, but guess who is named rigel… my older brother LMAOOOO ahahhaha my older brother is in this story 💀💀💀
Dude, it feels like your story is more entertaining that this one…
Its getting interesting.
……..☕**Sips facts not coffee**
I’m confused… who is he?
I knew she was going to kill the tree that bish
Yea the stories tend to deviate all once the starting premise is over.
Amelia Marie
I hate when they get weird, remember not liking this in the novel
Omg omg what going on!!!! Don’t leave us hanging like that!!!!