Who the f*** wants to be cooped up in a little f****** fish tank!! Even your presentation annoys me to no end! At least put her in a lake or something dear God she looks miserable
tsk tsk Seria scolding herself……..Here’s a recap for people that forgot with minor spoiler
That was first timeline and third timeline Seria that where shown…..second timeline is her korean life
current forth timeline is just a regression off third timeline before she became a villainess
Who the f*** wants to be cooped up in a little f****** fish tank!! Even your presentation annoys me to no end! At least put her in a lake or something dear God she looks miserable
Wow I can really never predict what’s going to happen in this story. Everything always comes outta left field😭
tsk tsk Seria scolding herself……..Here’s a recap for people that forgot with minor spoiler
That was first timeline and third timeline Seria that where shown…..second timeline is her korean life
current forth timeline is just a regression off third timeline before she became a villainess
omg is this why he wanted to come? Is he part mermaid? ?? FREE THE MERMAID
Omg omg a mermaid!!!!