By reading this spoiler in comment, I feel sad for Lina that she is puppet, programmed to act that way. If she had acted on her own will, I would try to hate her but now I just pity her.
AlRiGhT~ Just kiss and makeup already so that it’ll come to pass already!~ I just can’t stand watching this moment of love in the air. I wanna see what happened to the unborn child
Could say it like that but as Lina is just a clone puppet that cant think for herself and only acts by her programmed brain
at the end parts seria actuall breaks the gods hold on her and Lina does a 180(due to being a seria clone )some lingering emotions feelings that the god did’t fully got rid off
At this point ill just say im spamming comments as forgetfull so last little bit
Alot of what i said with the spoilers might not make sense yet but as i said it all would lead to first life/timeline
But to dig into that its pretty much 70% of the remaining story
but should be enough at this point to get people the idea of whats really going on just not to put it all properly in place
Dunno why my reply never works
But little bit more On the Lina is a clone of Seria…its cause dark god needed a FAKE SAINTESS to get people not pay too much attention to seria
MAGI is just the power of darkness basicly just how its named in this setting
basicly black magic or demonic powers
like divine power /holy power is from Light basicly
Its completly based to first timeline so we literally still in worldbuilding at this chapter lol
Ill give some more spoilers but will stay vague about first life
First life = seria only stern so defacto saintess (when dying wished to be reborn without power of any sort wether that be magic based or political she just wanted to be normal)
Second life = wish came true and its her korean life
Third life = future of first Life world is corrupted and manipulated by the dark god to bring her back as seria (cause obsessed) leads to her dead
Forth life (current life) = after her dead in third life dark god reverse time seria loses memories remembers full first life and thinks third life is a novel she read
About Lina this would be a major spoiler but will explain alot….Lina is a clone of seria but dark god copied looks from korea when he brought seria’s soul back in 3rd life
she basicly is only acting by how she’s wired by the dark god to get Seria austazied so he could grab her no free will till later
Gonna say it now and repeat from previous chapter comments as know people will ask about it again
Its MAGI not divine power (knw how in other stories demons can fake holy powers its like that here aswell)
Its all goes back to the first timeline (current timeline is 4th)
MAGI is the power of the big bad who was obsessed by Seria in original timeline so these are just all tricks by him
To reveal big bad….Lina…..and Seria backgrounds and truths would need to reveal first timeline and whats real so gonna refrain since only 3 lifes(timelines) are talked about to this point
Omg the spoilers in the comments 😭
By reading this spoiler in comment, I feel sad for Lina that she is puppet, programmed to act that way. If she had acted on her own will, I would try to hate her but now I just pity her.
AlRiGhT~ Just kiss and makeup already so that it’ll come to pass already!~ I just can’t stand watching this moment of love in the air. I wanna see what happened to the unborn child
Could say it like that but as Lina is just a clone puppet that cant think for herself and only acts by her programmed brain
at the end parts seria actuall breaks the gods hold on her and Lina does a 180(due to being a seria clone )some lingering emotions feelings that the god did’t fully got rid off
Sooo she almost ha d a baby with her evil clone? This sounds like a great plot for a trashy sci-fi lesbian romance drama😂
At this point ill just say im spamming comments as forgetfull so last little bit
Alot of what i said with the spoilers might not make sense yet but as i said it all would lead to first life/timeline
But to dig into that its pretty much 70% of the remaining story
but should be enough at this point to get people the idea of whats really going on just not to put it all properly in place
Dunno why my reply never works
But little bit more On the Lina is a clone of Seria…its cause dark god needed a FAKE SAINTESS to get people not pay too much attention to seria
MAGI is just the power of darkness basicly just how its named in this setting
basicly black magic or demonic powers
like divine power /holy power is from Light basicly
Its completly based to first timeline so we literally still in worldbuilding at this chapter lol
Ill give some more spoilers but will stay vague about first life
First life = seria only stern so defacto saintess (when dying wished to be reborn without power of any sort wether that be magic based or political she just wanted to be normal)
Second life = wish came true and its her korean life
Third life = future of first Life world is corrupted and manipulated by the dark god to bring her back as seria (cause obsessed) leads to her dead
Forth life (current life) = after her dead in third life dark god reverse time seria loses memories remembers full first life and thinks third life is a novel she read
About Lina this would be a major spoiler but will explain alot….Lina is a clone of seria but dark god copied looks from korea when he brought seria’s soul back in 3rd life
she basicly is only acting by how she’s wired by the dark god to get Seria austazied so he could grab her no free will till later
She can have him lol. And why is she so obsessed with everyone only treating her well? That inferiority complex is so crazy especially towards Seria
Oh thank goodness it from a magi and not that but happy for my favorite couple
I want to read the novel but I can’t find any links 🥲
But Who is magi?
Gonna say it now and repeat from previous chapter comments as know people will ask about it again
Its MAGI not divine power (knw how in other stories demons can fake holy powers its like that here aswell)
Its all goes back to the first timeline (current timeline is 4th)
MAGI is the power of the big bad who was obsessed by Seria in original timeline so these are just all tricks by him
To reveal big bad….Lina…..and Seria backgrounds and truths would need to reveal first timeline and whats real so gonna refrain since only 3 lifes(timelines) are talked about to this point