MorriganX I hear you but not everyone can be saved ( best outcome would be Lina and Callis end up together and happy but I get the feeling one or both will end up dead )
Unpopular opinion but I was hoping for small redemption arc for Callis. I don’t mean ending with Seria but at least properly apologize to seria for what he caused and then move forward with his life. Pretty much own up to what he did,
The way he ends up in the novel is a bit sad..
@shiv and@Springer let her complain about mc you just ignore her. Even if trashy ml appear in other manhwa or 2fl like lina people sure abuse her. But why do you care about her complaining about fl. Let her complain. Some wants perfection from the character. She sure keeping her pov.
I too sometimes annoyed with fl but If she complain in every ch let her complain.
Isn’t it’s hypocrisy from you guys that you only fed up when someone complain about mc but you don’t care or enjoy when someone complain about secondary character. Let the people share their pov.
Anybody could tell that ml is in love with her. She sure is dense😅.
Why would she tell you? You never tried to understand her? You always choose Lina instead of her. And she didn’t chooses another man first but you chooses another women and left her. Now cry
@빌런~🖤 i have seen you commenting always some utter bullshit and slutshaming the female MC’s , I bet you’re a fucking dirty pig , who nobody actually wants that’s why you come here to vent your ugly energy, no one gives a single fuck about what you like, stupid maggot you’re trying so hard to be different did you not fucking read the tags before babbling rubbish like a moron!!!!
All this lovey dovey situations and I’m finding it even more cringe. After all these romance mangas that I’ve read so far and Now I’m sick and tired of it. I want something new. Something different
LOL didn’t he kill himself originally because he was so obsessed with Lina? Honestly she never should have stared a relationship with someone she knew was that crazy in the first place . Also who TF cares about what will happen to Lina if she returns, she’s a dumpster fire all on her own and will probably self destruct without anyone doing anything
MorriganX I hear you but not everyone can be saved ( best outcome would be Lina and Callis end up together and happy but I get the feeling one or both will end up dead )
Unpopular opinion but I was hoping for small redemption arc for Callis. I don’t mean ending with Seria but at least properly apologize to seria for what he caused and then move forward with his life. Pretty much own up to what he did,
The way he ends up in the novel is a bit sad..
@shiv and@Springer let her complain about mc you just ignore her. Even if trashy ml appear in other manhwa or 2fl like lina people sure abuse her. But why do you care about her complaining about fl. Let her complain. Some wants perfection from the character. She sure keeping her pov.
I too sometimes annoyed with fl but If she complain in every ch let her complain.
Isn’t it’s hypocrisy from you guys that you only fed up when someone complain about mc but you don’t care or enjoy when someone complain about secondary character. Let the people share their pov.
Anybody could tell that ml is in love with her. She sure is dense😅.
Why would she tell you? You never tried to understand her? You always choose Lina instead of her. And she didn’t chooses another man first but you chooses another women and left her. Now cry
@Shiv bhatt I know right. It’s really annoying. Every single episode is more complaining about the MC’s, if you don’t like it stop reading it.
Shiv bhatt
@빌런~🖤 i have seen you commenting always some utter bullshit and slutshaming the female MC’s , I bet you’re a fucking dirty pig , who nobody actually wants that’s why you come here to vent your ugly energy, no one gives a single fuck about what you like, stupid maggot you’re trying so hard to be different did you not fucking read the tags before babbling rubbish like a moron!!!!
All this lovey dovey situations and I’m finding it even more cringe. After all these romance mangas that I’ve read so far and Now I’m sick and tired of it. I want something new. Something different
okay delulu
🙄🙄🙄yeah right, as if you pathetic piece of sh*t.
Did bro forget he already married someone other than our girl?
LOL didn’t he kill himself originally because he was so obsessed with Lina? Honestly she never should have stared a relationship with someone she knew was that crazy in the first place . Also who TF cares about what will happen to Lina if she returns, she’s a dumpster fire all on her own and will probably self destruct without anyone doing anything
Hes crazy
Oh he is back and seriously dude you don’t deserve her you lost your chance
Yea ruin yr self more🥰🥰🥰🥰🤭🤭🤭🤭