Glad OG Seria got a little payback I know plenty of villians in these stories have tragic stories but it’s pretty awful to have your older brother try to drown you like it’s one of the worst ways to go.
@Shi Shuri it’s not to strange, I know this is a manhwa but in real world knight and man at arm outfits would normally be unique between each individual wearer but they wouldn’t look vastly different from each other so it wouldn’t be unusual for plate armor to look similar to each other.
Look at that red glow, she’s all ramped up and ready for battle! 😂
@lolli pop you don’t have to worry about her I will marry her happily 🥰
Lolli pop
I’ll marry Bibi if I was a guy
I like her bodygard ❤️ she is the best
Glad OG Seria got a little payback I know plenty of villians in these stories have tragic stories but it’s pretty awful to have your older brother try to drown you like it’s one of the worst ways to go.
@Shi Shuri it’s not to strange, I know this is a manhwa but in real world knight and man at arm outfits would normally be unique between each individual wearer but they wouldn’t look vastly different from each other so it wouldn’t be unusual for plate armor to look similar to each other.
Hehehehe! Young love! So sweet soon they will fall deeply in love with each other
Princess Duck
Just be honest, rouche. Seria actually kinda hot 😏
The Night is young so don’t Sleep🌚 yet Darling Seria😘
“Why don’t you kiss her”
I slightly got confused with that knight, i was a kelidan knight not a berk knight, the uniform seems similar
Quero maiiiis!!!! Ansiosa pelo próximo capítulo
Gotta love this man❤️