@….~🖤. I don’t agree with you. She acting strong here. It just that there is no one backing her except her ex. And she have no need of her ex backup. And this whole family trying to downgrade her. Despite all that she acting strong her.
Yeah she become weak and meek only infront of OgFL Lina.
How can we Have a FL who acts so weak infront of everyone when letting loose of her emotions? The other Villainess from other Manhwa’s could’ve done a better Job at keeping their cool😡. Oh, and if I might have triggered your feelings, just sayin if you’ve read this through, then I’m sorry. If you wanna say something bad about me, TOO BAD because I won’t be coming back here to read it anyway. But I am sorry if I have offended you in any way
@….~🖤. I don’t agree with you. She acting strong here. It just that there is no one backing her except her ex. And she have no need of her ex backup. And this whole family trying to downgrade her. Despite all that she acting strong her.
Yeah she become weak and meek only infront of OgFL Lina.
How can we Have a FL who acts so weak infront of everyone when letting loose of her emotions? The other Villainess from other Manhwa’s could’ve done a better Job at keeping their cool😡. Oh, and if I might have triggered your feelings, just sayin if you’ve read this through, then I’m sorry. If you wanna say something bad about me, TOO BAD because I won’t be coming back here to read it anyway. But I am sorry if I have offended you in any way
God I wanna kick this man in the balls😡
Yo can the hubby just come in and save the day. He was planning to rush things and be there on time
Im ur misconception
While I like the dramatisized visuals this is not how it went down in the novel. But oh well, artist liberterites.
Man I hate this family. I also hate the fact that it feels like they’re crowding her. I want Rouche T-T
As I remember he tried to k!ll her by drowning her in the lake(?) and it was freezing cold and he did it intentionally
What did he do!???!!!