THE MARQUIS IS TRASH. GAARRRBAAAGEEE. Boy belongs with the burnables coz where tf is his audacity coming from? Fool, YOU chose to go out before your wedding with another women, no one else, just you 2 in a cabin so any result that followed will be on the 2 dirtbags. I LOVE the way FL shut him down throughout the entire interaction. I love her (*/ω\*)
I’m so glad these two weren’t so awkward or stiff with one another despite the circumstances that led to their unexpected marriage. 👏😭
On another note…. I HATE CALLIS SO MUCH!!! This is the first time I’ve ever hated a 2nd ML. He’s nothing but a cheater who justifies his actions under the guise of “chivalry”🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Okay, I forgive you, you’re now learning or at least not needing that shitty man.
I like the fl, she definitely moved on from that moron. Look at the arch Duke he is such a sweet and caring guy.
She is such a sweetheart…. People can change for the good when they decide too. Who the hell is cutting onions….
Lolli pop
What a hypocrite he is 🙄😤
Their chibi characters are so cute. 😁
Duke is mature and can understand mc better than callis. So marrying him was a good call
Alexandre Schihann
How the did the saint know about those rituals and all ? So sus , she is problably the same was your FML , but she’s a bitch tho
This Duke is such a gem 💎
i can’t express how passionate i am about when that marquis will frawking die
THE MARQUIS IS TRASH. GAARRRBAAAGEEE. Boy belongs with the burnables coz where tf is his audacity coming from? Fool, YOU chose to go out before your wedding with another women, no one else, just you 2 in a cabin so any result that followed will be on the 2 dirtbags. I LOVE the way FL shut him down throughout the entire interaction. I love her (*/ω\*)
baby im not even hallucination
that’s a true man right there
Wait wait wait – he was yelling at her for marrying another guy but he did the exact same thing??? Dirt.Bag.
I’m so glad these two weren’t so awkward or stiff with one another despite the circumstances that led to their unexpected marriage. 👏😭
On another note…. I HATE CALLIS SO MUCH!!! This is the first time I’ve ever hated a 2nd ML. He’s nothing but a cheater who justifies his actions under the guise of “chivalry”🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
They are so cute already, good for her