they both see visions of the one they love, Melvin. They imagine him to still be there and they imagine the scenarios they would’ve had if he was still alive. It’s really playing at my heart strings right now but I’m glad we’re seeing it coz it just shows how much they love him and how they haven’t accepted his death.
Agree. Four years isn’t much… except for when it’s over a quarter of your life.
The short hand, “half your age and then add seven” is a good general guide, so (18/2 + 7) = 16 at the youngest. (Honestly I like your suggestion of 17 more.
the panel wherein Felix had a talk with Melvin here is because Melvin became “one with the wind” don’t be confused as to why he can see him it’s because Felix is a magician
they both see visions of the one they love, Melvin. They imagine him to still be there and they imagine the scenarios they would’ve had if he was still alive. It’s really playing at my heart strings right now but I’m glad we’re seeing it coz it just shows how much they love him and how they haven’t accepted his death.
I don’t understand Melvin it’s alive??
baba grill
I thought the brother still alive- ?
4 years is not a bad age gap, but she’s too young for that gap to be okay… ? should have made her 17 at the very least
Agree. Four years isn’t much… except for when it’s over a quarter of your life.
The short hand, “half your age and then add seven” is a good general guide, so (18/2 + 7) = 16 at the youngest. (Honestly I like your suggestion of 17 more.
The author should have aged her up to 17 or 18
Damn her vrother gave even gave them a parting gift whcih is a connection to each other huhu what a great lad
Please I beg you , someone please spoil me that Melvin is alive and gonna return in the story later towards the end ,pls!
the panel wherein Felix had a talk with Melvin here is because Melvin became “one with the wind” don’t be confused as to why he can see him it’s because Felix is a magician
Grumpy Bunny
Wait. I still dont get it, would u mind to explain it more details?
so 4 years age gap huh