About damn time, any later she would’ve been dead, I hope in the next chapter that son of a bitch will either die, get severe punishment
, or put I jail for life, the knights should get the same punishment as that soon of a bitch
Called it. Hubby to the save. This naive girl needs to learn to listen to the guy her bro said she need to be close to… he’s her only true support… and she can’t do anything for herself rn. No title. No power. No Magic. No sword skills etc.
Ah ML you deserve a better FL.
What happened with the updates?:((
Please update more chapters. Quite interesting to read the final ending.
Next chapter when?
About damn time, any later she would’ve been dead, I hope in the next chapter that son of a bitch will either die, get severe punishment
, or put I jail for life, the knights should get the same punishment as that soon of a bitch
Called it. Hubby to the save. This naive girl needs to learn to listen to the guy her bro said she need to be close to… he’s her only true support… and she can’t do anything for herself rn. No title. No power. No Magic. No sword skills etc.
This is a good lesson for her.