I’m not sure if the previous king died due to him or maybe the previous king was killed by someone else and so in order to avoid someone else taking the throne, he took it up.. cuz I mean it takes a lot to go and pick up a blade and actually kill a ruler, and wouldn’t the current ruler not look like a turtle trying to hide in it’s shell after such an incident if he truly killed his brother? Sure there’s guilt but idk.. it feels more like someone running by chasing pleasures rather than a usurper of the throne ruling with only himself in mind.
I’m not sure if the previous king died due to him or maybe the previous king was killed by someone else and so in order to avoid someone else taking the throne, he took it up.. cuz I mean it takes a lot to go and pick up a blade and actually kill a ruler, and wouldn’t the current ruler not look like a turtle trying to hide in it’s shell after such an incident if he truly killed his brother? Sure there’s guilt but idk.. it feels more like someone running by chasing pleasures rather than a usurper of the throne ruling with only himself in mind.
when you literally feel so inferior to your daughter you deny her anything to make yourself feel good.
Next manga, this is so wierd!
What a trashy ruler…
T-T Tell me about it!
He wanted that child who looks like him to rule even of she incompetent and force the eldest out because of his inferiority complex