itsKat Did not expect this much sadness and pain in the second chapter- also ARE HE’S LIKE 14!? April 14, 2023 at 1:03 pm Log in to Reply
Spring and Summer If the king loved his second wife why didn’t he save her? Yes, I know, probably politics got involved etc We’re only on 2nd chapter and it’s so sad ? June 28, 2022 at 11:13 am Log in to Reply
Vivianne It’s only 2nd chapter but my heart aches so much already. If it’s only the beginning just how painful story will be later 🙁 December 24, 2021 at 1:06 am Log in to Reply
Did not expect this much sadness and pain in the second chapter- also ARE HE’S LIKE 14!?
that jerk of a king.
Spring and Summer
If the king loved his second wife why didn’t he save her? Yes, I know, probably politics got involved etc
We’re only on 2nd chapter and it’s so sad ?
It’s only 2nd chapter but my heart aches so much already. If it’s only the beginning just how painful story will be later 🙁
[email protected]
true true??