why do you guys like to complicate your already complicated lives like that? isn’t the rat race complicated enough? are you S/M? You ditch a lover because you are tired, s/he’s clingy, boring, demanding, violent, poor, fat, old, young… whatever. but once you do, YOU DO NOT LOOK BACK.
your life might be better/same/worse, but you do not look back. If you meet in the street, you say “hi” and smile and all and you donot look back. the dread of going through those motions gives me the yawns.
girl if they did what you said this wouldn’t be a manhwa in the first place
why do you guys like to complicate your already complicated lives like that? isn’t the rat race complicated enough? are you S/M? You ditch a lover because you are tired, s/he’s clingy, boring, demanding, violent, poor, fat, old, young… whatever. but once you do, YOU DO NOT LOOK BACK.
your life might be better/same/worse, but you do not look back. If you meet in the street, you say “hi” and smile and all and you donot look back. the dread of going through those motions gives me the yawns.