We are into their crushing era. Hyundoh is falling first it seems so she might take longer seeing as she didn’t think much of inviting him to her place.
And this is so exciting!! Will they finally find out about both exes?
I thought Fl was sick and that’s why she didn’t answer, but in fact she was with that bitch 😤 I hate that bitch, she never cared about Hyundo and his feelings, she only cared about her and her career, I feel like she never loved him and just took advantage of his kindness, I hope nothing bad happens to Fl, that bitch looks dangerous, and Ml already has feelings for Fl, he’s just confused and doesn’t know exactly what it is, I hope they’ll be together soon 🥰
It’s so funny to me that the do has the same type and color of phone that I have
We are into their crushing era. Hyundoh is falling first it seems so she might take longer seeing as she didn’t think much of inviting him to her place.
And this is so exciting!! Will they finally find out about both exes?
they are so dumb for not showing each others exes fro the start, absolute idiots UGH!
what a bicth
I should’ve just let this marinate, I wanna know what happens next 🤧🤚
sooo toxicccc im so happy he left her. ALSO HYUNDO NEEDS TO SAVE OUR FL
oh no
I thought Fl was sick and that’s why she didn’t answer, but in fact she was with that bitch 😤 I hate that bitch, she never cared about Hyundo and his feelings, she only cared about her and her career, I feel like she never loved him and just took advantage of his kindness, I hope nothing bad happens to Fl, that bitch looks dangerous, and Ml already has feelings for Fl, he’s just confused and doesn’t know exactly what it is, I hope they’ll be together soon 🥰
She sells sea shells by the sea shore
Fuck offf
Anyone got a thot spray????
Fl is in danger!!!!!!
Begone THOT!!!!!
Oh no..
what a fucking bitch