Someone smack the f*ck into him I’m sorry but I too would have left him and you can’t even get mad at Davi bc it was his horse not too mention she’s so entitled she’s only living good bc of the current duke once he kicked the bucket they got kicked out
Get rid of him, the fact that he after all these years choose her side over the one showing him kindness says all you need to know about his reliability. He is a knife in the back waiting to happen
Someone smack the f*ck into him I’m sorry but I too would have left him and you can’t even get mad at Davi bc it was his horse not too mention she’s so entitled she’s only living good bc of the current duke once he kicked the bucket they got kicked out
She’s crazy fxxk…..
Kick this naive fool he is unreliable
Asta what the actual fuck💀💀💀
Get rid of him, the fact that he after all these years choose her side over the one showing him kindness says all you need to know about his reliability. He is a knife in the back waiting to happen
So she killed his horse her burned all of her possessions.
He is too gullible and naive…
I’m kinda glad he got ml…
But pls Someone smack his head or something so he can think straight
Holy eff 😳 she’s a psycho and ditch or whatever is extremely nieve it’s kindof sad. Not once did she come to see you.