@Attackonfeelings…..I’ll gladly take one!!! I looooooove ateez!!! They even debuted on my B-day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(and yes, I am very proud of the fact Ateez debuted on my B-day, EXO actually debuted on my older sisters B-day…..and T-ARA debuted on my younger brothers B-Day…)
Let’s not talk about how I accidentally ended up with almost 30 Outlaw albums from Ateez 😭. I kept buying as more versions of photocards came out and chances to win a video call with them, etc. were released and somehow over time I bought so many 😭. I’m only going to keep my signed ones and the rest are sitting on my desk in a big stack bc I don’t know what to do with them 😀
I promise i don’t normally go album crazy like this 😭
@Attackonfeelings…..I’ll gladly take one!!! I looooooove ateez!!! They even debuted on my B-day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(and yes, I am very proud of the fact Ateez debuted on my B-day, EXO actually debuted on my older sisters B-day…..and T-ARA debuted on my younger brothers B-Day…)
Let’s not talk about how I accidentally ended up with almost 30 Outlaw albums from Ateez 😭. I kept buying as more versions of photocards came out and chances to win a video call with them, etc. were released and somehow over time I bought so many 😭. I’m only going to keep my signed ones and the rest are sitting on my desk in a big stack bc I don’t know what to do with them 😀
I promise i don’t normally go album crazy like this 😭
You should resell them or something for a lower price then but more of a different album 😈
I love how that noona was his fan even in this second life.