she gonna push her and try to hurt her for sure ? but hopefully this turns the tied and she’ll lose her power, if not i’ll stop reading this it’s too painful.
Well she’s right, the true god of that world made the worst Mary Sue possible and gave her powers. This is what happens when the god is lonely teenager and probably designed her in their image as a lovably self insert.
This chick is insane. I bet either shes going yo push her or fake it as if the “villianess” tried to kill her
this b*tch got d*ck on the brain?
she gonna push her and try to hurt her for sure ? but hopefully this turns the tied and she’ll lose her power, if not i’ll stop reading this it’s too painful.
I hope you’re right
Well she’s right, the true god of that world made the worst Mary Sue possible and gave her powers. This is what happens when the god is lonely teenager and probably designed her in their image as a lovably self insert.
We got it, the god in that world clearly gave the power to the wrong person – _ –
bitch! your hate is unfounded
Crazy b*tch