While mrs. Sh*tvia and mr. Douchebag were f*,cking on sandy beaches, people who have worked harder than these brats will ever know have been murdered left an right. If only it was these two waste of spaces that were being brutally killed. *Ahem* and back to thanking the translation team for the updates 😀
that’s when you should just laugh if off, that would have put a stop to it, she just wanted to test her and make her jealous, if she doesn’t care it’ll be boring. laugh and say ” how ridiculous, If I did I’d have fought for him but I’m sorry in my eyes it’s not worth it, aha you make a much better couple as if meant to be together” letting people walk all over you ain’t gonna help. staying grounded and impassible will make them the joke and they’ll be the one suffering not you.
Pls just tell facts in her face though consequences are maybe disrespect against royalty which could result in beheading or bad shiat idk i wish i could just say shit like “indeed im mad because u were late many of my people have died because of tour love which I personally think is ignorant and selfish” sorry it sounds dumb i really tried hard to sound smart ?????
Blueberry Tea
While mrs. Sh*tvia and mr. Douchebag were f*,cking on sandy beaches, people who have worked harder than these brats will ever know have been murdered left an right. If only it was these two waste of spaces that were being brutally killed. *Ahem* and back to thanking the translation team for the updates 😀
so true!!!?
that’s when you should just laugh if off, that would have put a stop to it, she just wanted to test her and make her jealous, if she doesn’t care it’ll be boring. laugh and say ” how ridiculous, If I did I’d have fought for him but I’m sorry in my eyes it’s not worth it, aha you make a much better couple as if meant to be together” letting people walk all over you ain’t gonna help. staying grounded and impassible will make them the joke and they’ll be the one suffering not you.
Pls just tell facts in her face though consequences are maybe disrespect against royalty which could result in beheading or bad shiat idk i wish i could just say shit like “indeed im mad because u were late many of my people have died because of tour love which I personally think is ignorant and selfish” sorry it sounds dumb i really tried hard to sound smart ?????
I swear every time that Saints smiles I just wanna punch her