Ngl her “friend” is a total tool. Who the heck interrupts people when having a meal? Then sits down… then proceeds to project things… then once finding out it’s clearly a date (proceeds) asks for coffee. Yo my boy didn’t get beat up enough as a kid… needs to learn boundaries and etiquette. Meanwhile I agree w manger on this one… hoping next chap Jian affirms his decision… and boots this bum
Ngl her “friend” is a total tool. Who the heck interrupts people when having a meal? Then sits down… then proceeds to project things… then once finding out it’s clearly a date (proceeds) asks for coffee. Yo my boy didn’t get beat up enough as a kid… needs to learn boundaries and etiquette. Meanwhile I agree w manger on this one… hoping next chap Jian affirms his decision… and boots this bum