Maybe Dion’s mom is a demon so he’s half fiend. It could also be the real reason why his father’s family doesn’t like his mom… Or, there’s 2 identities inside Dion, the real Dion who we saw crying out his love for Elena and a demon who possessed his body (likes Seina)
Well, first of all we need to take note that fiend is just another name for a demon.
And there are many cases in stories and comics in which demons look exactly like humans.
So Dion being a demon isn’t that far-fetched of an idea.
He’s also considered dangerous due to his exquisite charms, which is known as a ‘demon’ trait in the stories depicting human-looking demons.
She made two points in her sentence here.
One was about being a ‘hunter’ which she is obsessed with and puts before anything else in her life,
the second was being the demon/fiend’s archnemesis because of being a hunter and proud of it!!
We still don’t know what’s actually going on here in this story!
It’s like we readers aren’t that much different from the protagonist in terms of being left out in the dark!
The only thing we know now for sure and she doesn’t is that both men are into her.
Dion seems to have been in love with her for a long time.
While the duke is starting to have feelings for her after their recent encounters.
Dion seems to be keeping many secrets which could change the course of the story when found out.
Still, I root for Dion and hope he isn’t going to turn into a villain, or the ‘archnemesis’ of our protagonist.
The duke has many more options and it hasn’t been long since he’s developed feelings for her.
So he can divert to any other girls if need be.
The story proceeds quite slowly, and the manhwa is even worse.
Hope they stop being so stingy and make chapters a bit longer and more fruitful.
Everyone here is crazy I swear. Can’t even vouch for any ship. Only the Duke feels a bit normal
I Cant_Sleep
Dion is definitely 1000000% fiend hybrid
Dion is 10000% a fiend.
Theory, Dion’s a succubus
baby im not even hallucination
i like the duke, dion seems too two-faced.
Maybe Dion’s mom is a demon so he’s half fiend. It could also be the real reason why his father’s family doesn’t like his mom… Or, there’s 2 identities inside Dion, the real Dion who we saw crying out his love for Elena and a demon who possessed his body (likes Seina)
Well, first of all we need to take note that fiend is just another name for a demon.
And there are many cases in stories and comics in which demons look exactly like humans.
So Dion being a demon isn’t that far-fetched of an idea.
He’s also considered dangerous due to his exquisite charms, which is known as a ‘demon’ trait in the stories depicting human-looking demons.
She made two points in her sentence here.
One was about being a ‘hunter’ which she is obsessed with and puts before anything else in her life,
the second was being the demon/fiend’s archnemesis because of being a hunter and proud of it!!
We still don’t know what’s actually going on here in this story!
It’s like we readers aren’t that much different from the protagonist in terms of being left out in the dark!
The only thing we know now for sure and she doesn’t is that both men are into her.
Dion seems to have been in love with her for a long time.
While the duke is starting to have feelings for her after their recent encounters.
Dion seems to be keeping many secrets which could change the course of the story when found out.
Still, I root for Dion and hope he isn’t going to turn into a villain, or the ‘archnemesis’ of our protagonist.
The duke has many more options and it hasn’t been long since he’s developed feelings for her.
So he can divert to any other girls if need be.
The story proceeds quite slowly, and the manhwa is even worse.
Hope they stop being so stingy and make chapters a bit longer and more fruitful.
He’s probably related to the source, which she said she would crush mercilessly.
Dont bother me
Is he a feind?
Rum Lawrence
🧐 hmm why was he shocked when she talked trash about feinds?