So what if the reason thw white haired dude confessed and cried was to to attract ourc’s attention. I mean, come to think of it, when he confessed, he broke the rule of one day-one confession rule. Because he was never in love with the og fl in the first place. He was just taking advantage of the og fl to get our mc’s attention
I Cant_Sleep
So what if the reason thw white haired dude confessed and cried was to to attract ourc’s attention. I mean, come to think of it, when he confessed, he broke the rule of one day-one confession rule. Because he was never in love with the og fl in the first place. He was just taking advantage of the og fl to get our mc’s attention
That’s the best power you know….
lmfao i love seina 😭 the insane power of unlocking doors……
Rum Lawrence
Ooh 🥴