Tell me whose children are they? Is it not Sofia’s child? Is there another wife beside the ex wife, Sofia? Like girl, their mother is back already? Why do you care about them? Let their mother take care of them. The logic isn’t working on this story.
She doesn’t care about that as much anymore. She did at first. But she’s now staying for revenge. It has nothing or very little to do with the children anymore.
Get you a comrade that will definitely side with you while you there and ruin him not the kids lol
I still do not get why she married him in the first place…with all her connections she could do much better
Tell me whose children are they? Is it not Sofia’s child? Is there another wife beside the ex wife, Sofia? Like girl, their mother is back already? Why do you care about them? Let their mother take care of them. The logic isn’t working on this story.
She doesn’t care about that as much anymore. She did at first. But she’s now staying for revenge. It has nothing or very little to do with the children anymore.