@SereUsagi ok i need to spoil this because this is getting out of hand.
1) he did not killed her, she feel off because she was running and not looking down
2) she is still alive. This madeline is jusr a variant from an alternate timeline. The original Madeline is very alive and recovers. There, drama solved.
So I revisited the first chapters and where the fml complains about the ML treatment and guys…….this is not the abandoned empress , some people here treat Ian as if he’s worse than that trash if a ML , the worse he did was grab her arm and she died cause well….she tripped let’s be honest about that , yeah he was possessive and cold towards here be he didn’t abuse here in that sense , she wanted liberty and be free go out and you know she enjoyed socializing and he didn’t permit it cause trauma and jealousy, but out of all the ML that are out there that down right abuse their wifes and intentionally kill them , Ian deserves a chance and tbh he doesn’t deserve all the things that will happen to him later on
People need to understand that mental illnesses are illnesses.
Unfortunately at that time, the correct therapy and medication didn’t exist yet.
Would you blame a cancer patient die because they can’t be cured???
@dapperlady, lmao, you clearly don’t know about trauma and mental illness, thus you claimed that it’s “an excuse to be abusive” lol
Would you perhaps call a handicapped person without legs not able to walk is just “an excuse”? Lol
Of course with contemporary standard, mental illnesses might be able to improved by receiving the correct therapy and medication. However, it was the time before contemporary therapy and medication exist. And they indeed tried some sort of “therapy”, but unfortunately got cracked to worse condition due to this shitty doctor.
Look guys I don’t think it’s so black and white. He WAS abusive, let’s get that straight first, ofc it was due to his mental illness at the time that was exacerbated by the evil doctor so it makes it a little morally grey on wether or not he is really a bad person or truly responsible for the way he treated the FL while they were married. He did suffer greatly and it was just a bad situation all around but…he did kill her, some may argue by accident but he aimed to harm her. By today’s standards, we have no compassion for those who are mentally ill and have committed acts like murder or other heinous crimes because of it. You might get a little leniency in court but none from the public. Any veteran, even if he had ptsd, who murdered his wife would still be called monster by most people. Ofc it’s a new life and he see the man he was before that and now it muddies the waters, is he still responsible for acts he hasn’t really committed yet? Tbh I can’t really make up my mind, tho I am looking forward to the both having better futures than before, but I can understand why some people might still hate him.
@IdrisLehu Wtf is wrong with you??? How tf was he abusive???? Your clearly not reading this manhwa thoroughly because if you had, you would truly understand the ML AND THAT HE HAD ABSOLUTE NO INTENTION OF ANY HARM. HE SUFFERED, I am not saying the FL did not suffer, i am saying both of them did AND BOTH OF THEM DESERVE THE BEST LIFE. but he isn’t. The FL escaped her fate but the ML didn’t WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT!? WHAT DID HE EVEN DO THAT YOUR CRITICIZING HIM EACH AND EVERY CHAPTER????? 😭
I swear to god if you dare spit another bullshit in the next chapter. I will call you out on chapter 30 before you even get the chance to make another one of your bullshit opinions. Because it seems like you never re-read any chapter to see how many people pointed out your narrow-minded way of thinking.
It was in the previous timeline, some very sad shits happened even before the war such as the death of his sister. And during the war, likely no one contacted him and gave him the hope he had in this life, combining with the trauma from the war, it’s obvious that he’s not gonna be in his right mind. Also, remember the “treatment” (more like torture) that rat ass doctor gave him? Yeah! SHIT WAS BOUNDED TO BE MESSED UP!
@bluend FRFR
yall are yapping omg
bro you better be back in next ch
@SereUsagi ok i need to spoil this because this is getting out of hand.
1) he did not killed her, she feel off because she was running and not looking down
2) she is still alive. This madeline is jusr a variant from an alternate timeline. The original Madeline is very alive and recovers. There, drama solved.
I feel like the guys who is bandaged up is the bestie from the battle field
@lamrose she tripped literally she turned superman quite literally
Did he kill her though?I thought she tripped
So I revisited the first chapters and where the fml complains about the ML treatment and guys…….this is not the abandoned empress , some people here treat Ian as if he’s worse than that trash if a ML , the worse he did was grab her arm and she died cause well….she tripped let’s be honest about that , yeah he was possessive and cold towards here be he didn’t abuse here in that sense , she wanted liberty and be free go out and you know she enjoyed socializing and he didn’t permit it cause trauma and jealousy, but out of all the ML that are out there that down right abuse their wifes and intentionally kill them , Ian deserves a chance and tbh he doesn’t deserve all the things that will happen to him later on
People need to understand that mental illnesses are illnesses.
Unfortunately at that time, the correct therapy and medication didn’t exist yet.
Would you blame a cancer patient die because they can’t be cured???
@dapperlady, lmao, you clearly don’t know about trauma and mental illness, thus you claimed that it’s “an excuse to be abusive” lol
Would you perhaps call a handicapped person without legs not able to walk is just “an excuse”? Lol
Of course with contemporary standard, mental illnesses might be able to improved by receiving the correct therapy and medication. However, it was the time before contemporary therapy and medication exist. And they indeed tried some sort of “therapy”, but unfortunately got cracked to worse condition due to this shitty doctor.
To sum up my point he experienced great trauma, but does trauma justify harming others? How far does the excuse of trauma go?
Look guys I don’t think it’s so black and white. He WAS abusive, let’s get that straight first, ofc it was due to his mental illness at the time that was exacerbated by the evil doctor so it makes it a little morally grey on wether or not he is really a bad person or truly responsible for the way he treated the FL while they were married. He did suffer greatly and it was just a bad situation all around but…he did kill her, some may argue by accident but he aimed to harm her. By today’s standards, we have no compassion for those who are mentally ill and have committed acts like murder or other heinous crimes because of it. You might get a little leniency in court but none from the public. Any veteran, even if he had ptsd, who murdered his wife would still be called monster by most people. Ofc it’s a new life and he see the man he was before that and now it muddies the waters, is he still responsible for acts he hasn’t really committed yet? Tbh I can’t really make up my mind, tho I am looking forward to the both having better futures than before, but I can understand why some people might still hate him.
@IdrisLehu Wtf is wrong with you??? How tf was he abusive???? Your clearly not reading this manhwa thoroughly because if you had, you would truly understand the ML AND THAT HE HAD ABSOLUTE NO INTENTION OF ANY HARM. HE SUFFERED, I am not saying the FL did not suffer, i am saying both of them did AND BOTH OF THEM DESERVE THE BEST LIFE. but he isn’t. The FL escaped her fate but the ML didn’t WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT!? WHAT DID HE EVEN DO THAT YOUR CRITICIZING HIM EACH AND EVERY CHAPTER????? 😭
I swear to god if you dare spit another bullshit in the next chapter. I will call you out on chapter 30 before you even get the chance to make another one of your bullshit opinions. Because it seems like you never re-read any chapter to see how many people pointed out your narrow-minded way of thinking.
It was in the previous timeline, some very sad shits happened even before the war such as the death of his sister. And during the war, likely no one contacted him and gave him the hope he had in this life, combining with the trauma from the war, it’s obvious that he’s not gonna be in his right mind. Also, remember the “treatment” (more like torture) that rat ass doctor gave him? Yeah! SHIT WAS BOUNDED TO BE MESSED UP!
He lost his left leg and has a scar on face(sorry for my English)
i dont think anyone thinks the ML is an asshole. he’s was just straight up abusive. if you like abusive people YOU’RE the asshole.
Really hope their love story will be beautiful & meaningful after they have known each other better, even thru changing letters.