Ngl I hate her why is she like that, he is just looking out for her as her fiancee and that’s how she behave and she lies for thing she can just tell the truth about, based on how this is going I can also tell that she is going to end up with prince so I hope her fiancee finds someone better.
This is dropping off so quickly
FL is regressing from a strong swordswoman to someone weak and generally indecisive. I can forgive a bit because she is only sixteen and I remember what being a sixteen year old girl could be like. But the fact that the author seems to have forgotten that she was meant to be strong at all.
All the MLs have their own issues that seem to just get worse. Its obvious that Dylon is meant to be the one FL ends up with, and that’s fine that’s been clear since the start, but introducing Ricky who is in every way better was a bad move then. The only thing I can fault Ricky for is not communicating clearly. As far as FL understands, they’re in an arranged marriage, and the only feelings there are childhood friends. She’s mentioned before she doesn’t usually go to parties because he isn’t around to attend with her, and she’s made it clear that she isn’t happy with him never coming to see her.
And Kyle…He went from teasing to harassing pretty quickly. Not only that, but his jealousy is causing him to intentionally try and hurt his friend and cause issues for FL for no reason.
FL and Ricky don’t mtch.
Both are with too short tempered.
It’s just an infinite loop of Ricky being jealous > FL misunderstanding Ricky, then feeling angry at Ricky
It’s too tiring…
They don’t know how to talk properly, but just keep yelling at each other 🙄
Bro this started off so good but now it’s getting bad. I thought the fl was supposed to be badass but she’s acting so timid and dumb. Losing the passion to continue
lmao i love jow we’re all pissed at fl because she’s just being unnecessarily rude towards ricky 🤣 like girrrllll at this point youre acting like a ho3 🙄 ik its not ur intention to have many guys around you but the way you dismiss your fiance’s feelings exudes btchy vibes 😮💨 fl acted like those neglecting mls toward their fiance so yeah i disagree with fl there
[email protected]
I think the reason why she like his is..the poison if you don’t remember go back to chapter 2 or 3?
Nope dropping screw this
😒😒😒 is she fr??
Ngl I hate her why is she like that, he is just looking out for her as her fiancee and that’s how she behave and she lies for thing she can just tell the truth about, based on how this is going I can also tell that she is going to end up with prince so I hope her fiancee finds someone better.
Ok never mind duel it yourself guys I’m dropping this
I mad at everyone here The fl the grey hair guy the prince and even my beloved rickey ah ~ They are all getting on my nerves
I fucking hate her you bitch
Why all the good guys love bitches!!!!!!
This is dropping off so quickly
FL is regressing from a strong swordswoman to someone weak and generally indecisive. I can forgive a bit because she is only sixteen and I remember what being a sixteen year old girl could be like. But the fact that the author seems to have forgotten that she was meant to be strong at all.
All the MLs have their own issues that seem to just get worse. Its obvious that Dylon is meant to be the one FL ends up with, and that’s fine that’s been clear since the start, but introducing Ricky who is in every way better was a bad move then. The only thing I can fault Ricky for is not communicating clearly. As far as FL understands, they’re in an arranged marriage, and the only feelings there are childhood friends. She’s mentioned before she doesn’t usually go to parties because he isn’t around to attend with her, and she’s made it clear that she isn’t happy with him never coming to see her.
And Kyle…He went from teasing to harassing pretty quickly. Not only that, but his jealousy is causing him to intentionally try and hurt his friend and cause issues for FL for no reason.
Why are YOU there???? Jeez…
FL and Ricky don’t mtch.
Both are with too short tempered.
It’s just an infinite loop of Ricky being jealous > FL misunderstanding Ricky, then feeling angry at Ricky
It’s too tiring…
They don’t know how to talk properly, but just keep yelling at each other 🙄
Bro this started off so good but now it’s getting bad. I thought the fl was supposed to be badass but she’s acting so timid and dumb. Losing the passion to continue
this is getting weird and the fl is dumb I may drop this…
Guys, stop flirting with her, it’s a child abuse😑 Why? Because FL has a brain of a 5 y.o. person
Really, how can she be soooo stupid🙄
lmao i love jow we’re all pissed at fl because she’s just being unnecessarily rude towards ricky 🤣 like girrrllll at this point youre acting like a ho3 🙄 ik its not ur intention to have many guys around you but the way you dismiss your fiance’s feelings exudes btchy vibes 😮💨 fl acted like those neglecting mls toward their fiance so yeah i disagree with fl there
Who loves manga
The fl is really really stupid the first fl in my life I have ever seen 😐 I want to get into that body and love Ricky more 😢 😫 😩
iron markkus
how does understand MC not understand why Ricky doesn’t approve of his FIANCE getting close to guys obviously trying to flirt with her
Dammit girl I wanna bitch slap you right now you have a good man just communicate with him for Pete sake
Ricky doesn’t deserve this. He is such a sweet man and we have Linali here who cannot take a decision.