Someone said we all make mistakes. YES IT’S OK BUT AS LONG AS YOU LEARN SOMETHING FROM IT. But this girly doesn’t seem to have enough room in her brain to learn them. Always making dumb dumb decisions and even until the end of her 1st life she just blamed someone else or the world. Meaning she never learned anything from her mistakes. I’m not even a strong soul and I’m worst than her before but hardships shaped the character I have now. How? LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES. FL HAD SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO LEARN JUST EVEN ONE FROM THEM BUT WELL… DUMB. SHE’S TOO BUSY PITYING HERSELF. (no wonder the reviews are below average)
She seemed to have learned from her past life. Im just worried teenmanhua is doing the translations…? and what on earth is a semi baron, did they mean a baronet? ?
We all make mistakes. sheesh give her a break. And stop victim blaming. There are people who chose not to fight fights doesn’t mean they don’t deserve any kind of sympathy. Not everyone has strengths like you do, or opportunities like you do. Stop ranting on a story you can’t relate to. it might be hard for some to fight for themselves but It’s not hard to be kind for everyone. I know cause I have a friend who is very gentle and kind and most of her co-workers bullied her for it. It took her long before she got the courage to stand up for herself. But she got there with the support of others. Don’t condemn the gentle souls! grr.
You’re right. If everyone was born with a fighting spirit, the world would be a warzone. It’s just too bad that many can’t appreciate more gentle characters.
Okay kinda hating the FL she drops out of college THAT SOMEONE ELSE WAS PAYING FOR because people wanted to make sure she passed in school to get a good carrier but she didn’t like how boring college was so she drops out then she gets told to move out of her and she thinks it’s a big deal bro they were probably planning to kick you out after college anyways your a grow ass woman your life wasn’t hard you just choose to not get career knowledge so you could be well experienced in life so that’s your fault yes people were telling you to study WOW parents tell children to study to get good grades every parent does that there are people who get pressured but in my eyes she wasn’t get pressured although she got told get 100% on this test be the top of your class did they ever yell at you when you failed no you probably got told do better next time or something yeah that’s the parents way of telling you how not to fail if you want to be successful in life you have to work hard you can’t do nothing then wonder why people don’t treat you like royalty if you want to be treated like that you have to work for it but you choose to quit college which is okay but not for her especially since you had a free place to live and you didn’t pay for anything and she quit because she was bored I have nothing against anyone who chooses to quit college but the way she acts when other people treat her harshly is stupid there are multiple jobs that pay it’s not hard to find one in which you dont need experience in like fast food cashiers or waiters gas station cashier supermarket stocker ECT. There is alot so if you find the treatment unfair quit which you did the first time but if you get pushed around like that and don’t do anything to help yourself don’t feel sorry for yourself because you have a choice but you are choosing the dumb choice so don’t expect even a drop of pity you could idk maybe quit your job if your being treated harshly then go to another job if your job pays well and you can’t leave because of that there will be jobs that pay better if not you can work two or three jobs maybe one that starts at 5:30am -3:00pm then go to another from 3:30 pm – 7:00pm then another from 7:00pm – 9:00pm it’s not hard to work because you also get breaks like lunch breaks ect. But if you choose not to it’s your choice no one will stop you but nobody is gonna be like “awhhhh you poor thing you dropped out of college bc it was boring now your getting bullied at your job and your not helping yourself” I mean some will but I won’t I find it stupid and un-logical (idk if that a word or not sorry if it isn’t it came up with a red squiggly line) and if you can’t do that rasie calves if you happen to know someone who lives on a farm or life style block you raise calf’s then sell them to be turned into beef you get very good money if you raise four it’s about 4,000 or more then you can pay whoever let you use their land $1,000 each time since I’m not able to work a job that’s what I do and its only around $75 dollars for each calf I’m younger than the FL and I have more knowledge about business than FL and it’s not really knowledge but common sense if you don’t have it then I don’t pity it would have been a different story if she continued college but nobody would hire her because she didn’t look smart but was or something stupid like that but I currently dislike the FL when you make actions on your on accord you have to pay the price wether good or bad
I apologize for being so rude ? I really don’t mean to be that one horrible person that nobody asks for her opinion but she shared it anyway I just felt like saying how much of an idiot I think the FL is
Remember this is MY opinion if you disagree that’s totally fine you don’t have to agree with me and I’m not trying to hate on this manga I actually rather enjoy the artwork and the translation is very good I just don’t like the FL otherwise I have no issue with this manga at all
Have a good day and thank you for reading if you have made it this far ?
Stay safe
We all make mistakes. sheesh give her a break. And stop victim blaming. There are people who chose not to fight fights doesn’t mean they don’t deserve any kind of sympathy. Not everyone has strengths like you do, or opportunities like you do. Stop ranting on a story you can’t relate to. it might be hard for some to fight for themselves but It’s not hard to be kind for everyone. I know cause I have a friend who is very gentle and kind and most of her co-workers bullied her for it. It took her long before she got the courage to stand up for herself. But she got there with the support of others. Don’t condemn the gentle souls!
Stop looking only at yourself cause you are not the only person in this world. We have different circumstances.
I totally agree. I hate self pity the most. Someone said we all make mistakes. YES IT’S OK BUT AS LONG AS YOU LEARN SOMETHING FROM IT. But this girly doesn’t seem to have enough room in her brain to learn them. Always making dumb dumb decisions and even until the end of her 1st life she just blamed someone else or the world. Meaning she never learned anything from her mistakes. I’m not even a strong soul and I’m worst than her before but hardships shaped the character I have now. How? LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES. FL HAD SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO LEARN JUST EVEN ONE FROM THEM BUT WELL… DUMB. SHE’S TOO BUSY PITYING HERSELF.
She should have just let that customer have at it if she was going to get fired anyway. If she had done that, even if she was fired, she would have her self respect. Then she wouldn’t have got drunk and died in fire. I’m sure others feel sorry for her but I don’t. She made a series of dumb life choices and it literally killed her in the end.
I hope her decision making skills are better going forward.
That was unkind. Not everyone can get through college. Not everyone is out causing problems.
Someone said we all make mistakes. YES IT’S OK BUT AS LONG AS YOU LEARN SOMETHING FROM IT. But this girly doesn’t seem to have enough room in her brain to learn them. Always making dumb dumb decisions and even until the end of her 1st life she just blamed someone else or the world. Meaning she never learned anything from her mistakes. I’m not even a strong soul and I’m worst than her before but hardships shaped the character I have now. How? LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES. FL HAD SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO LEARN JUST EVEN ONE FROM THEM BUT WELL… DUMB. SHE’S TOO BUSY PITYING HERSELF. (no wonder the reviews are below average)
Reader is L
She seemed to have learned from her past life. Im just worried teenmanhua is doing the translations…? and what on earth is a semi baron, did they mean a baronet? ?
We all make mistakes. sheesh give her a break. And stop victim blaming. There are people who chose not to fight fights doesn’t mean they don’t deserve any kind of sympathy. Not everyone has strengths like you do, or opportunities like you do. Stop ranting on a story you can’t relate to. it might be hard for some to fight for themselves but It’s not hard to be kind for everyone. I know cause I have a friend who is very gentle and kind and most of her co-workers bullied her for it. It took her long before she got the courage to stand up for herself. But she got there with the support of others. Don’t condemn the gentle souls! grr.
Catherine Briar
You’re right. If everyone was born with a fighting spirit, the world would be a warzone. It’s just too bad that many can’t appreciate more gentle characters.
I am in your closet UwU
Okay kinda hating the FL she drops out of college THAT SOMEONE ELSE WAS PAYING FOR because people wanted to make sure she passed in school to get a good carrier but she didn’t like how boring college was so she drops out then she gets told to move out of her and she thinks it’s a big deal bro they were probably planning to kick you out after college anyways your a grow ass woman your life wasn’t hard you just choose to not get career knowledge so you could be well experienced in life so that’s your fault yes people were telling you to study WOW parents tell children to study to get good grades every parent does that there are people who get pressured but in my eyes she wasn’t get pressured although she got told get 100% on this test be the top of your class did they ever yell at you when you failed no you probably got told do better next time or something yeah that’s the parents way of telling you how not to fail if you want to be successful in life you have to work hard you can’t do nothing then wonder why people don’t treat you like royalty if you want to be treated like that you have to work for it but you choose to quit college which is okay but not for her especially since you had a free place to live and you didn’t pay for anything and she quit because she was bored I have nothing against anyone who chooses to quit college but the way she acts when other people treat her harshly is stupid there are multiple jobs that pay it’s not hard to find one in which you dont need experience in like fast food cashiers or waiters gas station cashier supermarket stocker ECT. There is alot so if you find the treatment unfair quit which you did the first time but if you get pushed around like that and don’t do anything to help yourself don’t feel sorry for yourself because you have a choice but you are choosing the dumb choice so don’t expect even a drop of pity you could idk maybe quit your job if your being treated harshly then go to another job if your job pays well and you can’t leave because of that there will be jobs that pay better if not you can work two or three jobs maybe one that starts at 5:30am -3:00pm then go to another from 3:30 pm – 7:00pm then another from 7:00pm – 9:00pm it’s not hard to work because you also get breaks like lunch breaks ect. But if you choose not to it’s your choice no one will stop you but nobody is gonna be like “awhhhh you poor thing you dropped out of college bc it was boring now your getting bullied at your job and your not helping yourself” I mean some will but I won’t I find it stupid and un-logical (idk if that a word or not sorry if it isn’t it came up with a red squiggly line) and if you can’t do that rasie calves if you happen to know someone who lives on a farm or life style block you raise calf’s then sell them to be turned into beef you get very good money if you raise four it’s about 4,000 or more then you can pay whoever let you use their land $1,000 each time since I’m not able to work a job that’s what I do and its only around $75 dollars for each calf I’m younger than the FL and I have more knowledge about business than FL and it’s not really knowledge but common sense if you don’t have it then I don’t pity it would have been a different story if she continued college but nobody would hire her because she didn’t look smart but was or something stupid like that but I currently dislike the FL when you make actions on your on accord you have to pay the price wether good or bad
I apologize for being so rude ? I really don’t mean to be that one horrible person that nobody asks for her opinion but she shared it anyway I just felt like saying how much of an idiot I think the FL is
Remember this is MY opinion if you disagree that’s totally fine you don’t have to agree with me and I’m not trying to hate on this manga I actually rather enjoy the artwork and the translation is very good I just don’t like the FL otherwise I have no issue with this manga at all
Have a good day and thank you for reading if you have made it this far ?
Stay safe
I am in your closet UwU
Ah also the adults weren’t bullying her they were making sure she knew how the world works
We all make mistakes. sheesh give her a break. And stop victim blaming. There are people who chose not to fight fights doesn’t mean they don’t deserve any kind of sympathy. Not everyone has strengths like you do, or opportunities like you do. Stop ranting on a story you can’t relate to. it might be hard for some to fight for themselves but It’s not hard to be kind for everyone. I know cause I have a friend who is very gentle and kind and most of her co-workers bullied her for it. It took her long before she got the courage to stand up for herself. But she got there with the support of others. Don’t condemn the gentle souls!
Stop looking only at yourself cause you are not the only person in this world. We have different circumstances.
I totally agree. I hate self pity the most. Someone said we all make mistakes. YES IT’S OK BUT AS LONG AS YOU LEARN SOMETHING FROM IT. But this girly doesn’t seem to have enough room in her brain to learn them. Always making dumb dumb decisions and even until the end of her 1st life she just blamed someone else or the world. Meaning she never learned anything from her mistakes. I’m not even a strong soul and I’m worst than her before but hardships shaped the character I have now. How? LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES. FL HAD SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO LEARN JUST EVEN ONE FROM THEM BUT WELL… DUMB. SHE’S TOO BUSY PITYING HERSELF.
At least she learned her lesson??
She should have just let that customer have at it if she was going to get fired anyway. If she had done that, even if she was fired, she would have her self respect. Then she wouldn’t have got drunk and died in fire. I’m sure others feel sorry for her but I don’t. She made a series of dumb life choices and it literally killed her in the end.
I hope her decision making skills are better going forward.
unseemly lady super fan
this is what workers these days deal with if i ever get a job i hope this does not happen to me but reality yeah