The Real Daughter is Back - Chapter 97
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You don't have anything in histories
Valhalla's dream.
@LadyLombardy Thank you… I have been reading about people thinking that Helga was a bitch for rejecting Heliane… Helga does not want to do anything with her, sure it’s not Heliane’s fault, but at least have some self-awareness that her existence was a freaking nightmare to Helga for years. Even if the other person is nice, if you don’t want to know them or be involved with them you don’t have to. You have every right to reject or accept a person.
Helga is definitely not a bitch for establishing boundaries and she didn’t ignore her sister, she made things clear for her. It’s regrettable that Hilliane got caught up in the family’s mess, but truth be told she’s the one to benefit the most from the duchess’s abused towards Helga. Of course Helga couldn’t stand her. She made it clear why, and actually was quite gentle about it. It’s not her fault Hilliane is so guillable and obsessed that she can’t move on, or try to change things with her own strength (like the crown prince and Helga’s bff did, without involving Helga at all). She didn’t really grow despite trying to. It’s simply unfortunate.
jesus christ helianne you had a life before helga . you’re not even trying to move on, just hanging onto that obssession, leave the girl alone she had enough
aita I was switched as a baby and when my “family” found out they planned to identity theft me to their blood daughter and now I want nothing to do with any of them?
Helga is a bitch for abandoning and or ignoring her sister
Omg 😱 this is very bad
I pity hillianne, she didn’t do anything bad, she was just forced into this situation without fully knowing what’s going on and now she is being punished for it