The temple is trash! Treating thrm like mere commodities. Ni wonder the other sister ran away. She probably didn’t take fl because, she would have been hesitant to leave and also since the fl is “useless” anyway, they wont use her. Eithet way, it was elfish of the sister
Iske if he had black hair, and ruby if she had green eyes lol. The two manwha’s probably just have the same artist. It’s not uncommon for different manwha’s to have the same artist working on them
I know the twin will come later and accuse her of taking her place and everyone else will support her too. Why did you run away then? 🙄
She looks so much like Rudbeckia de Borgia. But with green eyes…
I Cant_Sleep
The temple is trash! Treating thrm like mere commodities. Ni wonder the other sister ran away. She probably didn’t take fl because, she would have been hesitant to leave and also since the fl is “useless” anyway, they wont use her. Eithet way, it was elfish of the sister
Ngl lena reminds me of the FL from “The Way To Protect The Loveable You” (sorry I’m not sure if it’s the right title)
Iske if he had black hair, and ruby if she had green eyes lol. The two manwha’s probably just have the same artist. It’s not uncommon for different manwha’s to have the same artist working on them
yea soo similar I wonder what reasons twin sis have will she regret not marrying ML well mostly they make twin a biatch so gotta see
Do these manhwas have the same artist?
I’m really quite confused at first. They really look like Izek and Ruby 😂