Well then as a Bi I’d have a hard time in the empire because damn all the girls are pretty! Also I’d totally ship the princesses if ML wasn’t so adorably flustered! But that’s okay cause I’ll just marry warrior princess lady. She looks like she could crush me with her thighs or shatter my bones with her pinky. She is BEAUTIFUL OMG ??
The translations are atrocious, but this manhwa is so cute I don’t really mind.
Catherine Briar
He’s very open-minded despite being against the imagined relationship.
Well then as a Bi I’d have a hard time in the empire because damn all the girls are pretty! Also I’d totally ship the princesses if ML wasn’t so adorably flustered! But that’s okay cause I’ll just marry warrior princess lady. She looks like she could crush me with her thighs or shatter my bones with her pinky. She is BEAUTIFUL OMG ??