They are not blood related. At all. And it’s fine since they were not raised together either. If I am reading this right, she is meant to lift his curse. He was probably supposed to meet her later but when the uncle realized he was going to die, he told the Duke about her.
I’d be fine with that if he wasn’t using the excuse “we’re related” to sidestep her boundaries. “Oh, it’s okay to be naked around each other. We’re family.” That’s what we call in the business “manipulation” Related or not.
Like so what
Stop the drama
Keep T-posing
Ignoring all that, she should continue to T-pose to assert her dominance.
Blueberry Tea
Pls help this not be incest
It probs will be bt I dont think they’re actually related by blood so it should be ok
They are not blood related. At all. And it’s fine since they were not raised together either. If I am reading this right, she is meant to lift his curse. He was probably supposed to meet her later but when the uncle realized he was going to die, he told the Duke about her.
I’d be fine with that if he wasn’t using the excuse “we’re related” to sidestep her boundaries. “Oh, it’s okay to be naked around each other. We’re family.” That’s what we call in the business “manipulation” Related or not.