“Holy Pope I won’t visit you from now on go to hell” BAHAHHAHAHAHAH what an interesting way to say fuck off 👏 Im proud of Rodericks Character Improvement He went from being mean and wanna destroy everything to someone who just want a father’s love.I see a lot of the Emperor’s kids have daddy issues 🥲🥲
I just now realized how young Roderick is(´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡
Poor child who is older than me😔🙏
And the pope is a cliche pope btw😡🤬💅
“Holy Pope I won’t visit you from now on go to hell” BAHAHHAHAHAHAH what an interesting way to say fuck off 👏 Im proud of Rodericks Character Improvement He went from being mean and wanna destroy everything to someone who just want a father’s love.I see a lot of the Emperor’s kids have daddy issues 🥲🥲