The fist son of the emperor is the son of the priest bc the priest has powerful powers so the emperor adopted him but the priest doesn’t consider the first prince as his son just a tool.
Later Leona and the emperor will kill the priest and the first prince will call the emperor father
Sooo spoiler
The fist son of the emperor is the son of the priest bc the priest has powerful powers so the emperor adopted him but the priest doesn’t consider the first prince as his son just a tool.
Later Leona and the emperor will kill the priest and the first prince will call the emperor father
So what happen?? You use our beloved witch and when the priest decided she was not usefull You just kill her ??? Scumbag
A king bowing to a priest?
Awww he finally decided to be a father to more than one of his children 😍🤧💕🥰 how outstanding and deserving of praise 👏👏👏