Not really, they’re separate from the empire just like here in our world. Its just upbto their priests character if they wanna be polite or be asswipes and just be prepared to die at any moment. ?
Ahhhhh, they shouldn’t have change the art, the previous art looks better because the art suits her personality and she looks like a doll. at least do justice to her character why does she look like an unimportant side character here
Kind of sad that the artist changed, most characters look the same but the princess. Why does she face look so round while the other look normal ? Even baby fat has a limit and the new artist make her look so different
“Who could kill their family?…..oh right you did, sorry”
“wanna get beat?”
Now that I’m rereading my theory is that she has always been a descendant of yeskina even when she was a witch
Soo…. Will she get a dragon forn. That’d be really cool
well, priest is higher than kings. as they were below the gods.
Doesn’t the priest need to show respect to the emperial family??♀️
Reader is L
Not really, they’re separate from the empire just like here in our world. Its just upbto their priests character if they wanna be polite or be asswipes and just be prepared to die at any moment. ?
Her dad was hotter in the previous art??
Uwaaa I like this style way better ♡(*´ω`*)/♡ its way easier on the eyes and softer
Ahhhhh, they shouldn’t have change the art, the previous art looks better because the art suits her personality and she looks like a doll. at least do justice to her character why does she look like an unimportant side character here
I wonder if the dragon will be her ally too or will that dragon be against her cuz she’s a witch?
Aditi Khedar
thankyou for update.
Kind of sad that the artist changed, most characters look the same but the princess. Why does she face look so round while the other look normal ? Even baby fat has a limit and the new artist make her look so different
Simping for2d boys again
yeah but art it still cute
Simping for2d boys again
strong baby