Okay, I want to apologize. I reread the last few chapters of the manhwa before the recent updates. Due to the relatively long wait and bad memory, I mixed up two events in my mind, thinking that one was yet to happen
I had started reading the novel after the manhwa. Since I noticed they had already sped up/shortened/cut some scenes throughout the story (luckily not relevant, so no worries) I had that reaction. I’m really sorry for that…🙏🏻
Ps: English’s not my first language, so i hope the translator helped me explain myself well😅
Honestly this is THE MOST selfish FL I have ever seen.
I like the story but I can’t ignore the way she does things, she ignored everything the ML said to her and just assumed what was the best thing for Dietrich….. BITCH THATS NOT LOVE, if you think deciding what’s best for another person’s life themselves is how you “love” someone then you are wrong, that’s selfish and arrogant.
NEVER do that guy’s, you have to listen what your partner wants and respect their decision (even if it is a bad one, in that case you can just try to talk to them) but don’t manipulate, lie or just ignore what they say to just because you think that what you are doing is best for the other person.
what scenes did they skip??? and ngl im curious about Charlotte’s mom,,, she really got a demon fall in love with her? Sooo who’s Charlotte’s dad then?
They skipped a big part of the novel. There are other scenes from the original story that were cut throughout the manhwa, but here they went too far, in my opinion
Her eyes turned blue OMG
@my name your explanation is understandable and relatable lol i also tend to mix stories a lot still tysm for responding and clearing things up ♡
my name
Okay, I want to apologize. I reread the last few chapters of the manhwa before the recent updates. Due to the relatively long wait and bad memory, I mixed up two events in my mind, thinking that one was yet to happen
I had started reading the novel after the manhwa. Since I noticed they had already sped up/shortened/cut some scenes throughout the story (luckily not relevant, so no worries) I had that reaction. I’m really sorry for that…🙏🏻
Ps: English’s not my first language, so i hope the translator helped me explain myself well😅
Honestly this is THE MOST selfish FL I have ever seen.
I like the story but I can’t ignore the way she does things, she ignored everything the ML said to her and just assumed what was the best thing for Dietrich….. BITCH THATS NOT LOVE, if you think deciding what’s best for another person’s life themselves is how you “love” someone then you are wrong, that’s selfish and arrogant.
NEVER do that guy’s, you have to listen what your partner wants and respect their decision (even if it is a bad one, in that case you can just try to talk to them) but don’t manipulate, lie or just ignore what they say to just because you think that what you are doing is best for the other person.
I want so save Dietrich so I will choose the worst decision that will make him thr most miserable. Nice logic, girl
what scenes did they skip??? and ngl im curious about Charlotte’s mom,,, she really got a demon fall in love with her? Sooo who’s Charlotte’s dad then?
Instead saying they skipped a big part in the novel, i hope the next person would tell what parts are excluded and elaborate them
Can somebody drop the spoil like what did they skip??
my name
They skipped a big part of the novel. There are other scenes from the original story that were cut throughout the manhwa, but here they went too far, in my opinion