Bro Forget about clothes what about litter, where does she poop, does she also scoop her poop with her paws I want to know that. Btw my cat today shitted on the bed because we are shifting and he couldn’t find the litter box.
oh…but wait if he buy this for her to wear at night is he gonna put the clothe on her or wht and also she only transform into a human when she is asleep right ‘-‘
Dark Elf KDS89
ice cream yum so good
@Shiv bhatt bro is an expert cat master.
Shiv bhatt
Bro Forget about clothes what about litter, where does she poop, does she also scoop her poop with her paws I want to know that. Btw my cat today shitted on the bed because we are shifting and he couldn’t find the litter box.
She definitely gonna need clothes that for certain poor baby kitty the horror when she realized she slept with him naked! Hahahah
smokey guy
Wait…… Does that mean the ml has to Wearing a her clothes while she NAKED!?
Yes plz buy her some clothing so this second hand embarrassment of mine can disappear
Call me maybe
He is prob gonna put it on her as a cat but love this
oh…but wait if he buy this for her to wear at night is he gonna put the clothe on her or wht and also she only transform into a human when she is asleep right ‘-‘
More moreee
ahahaha ML you should’ve picked up yourself or asked someone else to do it for you….
Cute so far