YOOO just my weird theory but what if he is also a regressor!! of when he was married to FL and she died (or something happened to her) reason why he said to her how she died. keeping his distance from her could mean he doesn’t want to relive what happened or wants fl is to live a better life. how he is looking at her could bring back memories of what happened.
I get that this dude seemed cool, but do did the others and that turned out terribly. I know he’s good but she should just stay single after all of everythinf
how are you going to lick his hand yet get embarrassed by his voice and face?? also seems weird she chose to tell him everything just because she thinks they’ll never meet again, I know its the authors way for them to start talking but it seems forced and unnatural
I mean this is a manhwa after all and also it is very normal for some stuff here to be unrealistic. I’m nt trying to come at anyone bt pls do not omplain about the authors work for he/she probably did their best for us to enjoy this manhwa
don’t complain? ? Once you put your work on the internet its susceptible to all forms of critique positive and negative. Regardless of an author trying their bests reader are still going to give their opinions and they may not like some but how else would they grow as a writer or artist without honest feedback since no one is perfect.
And If you weren’t trying to come at anyone you shouldn’t @ them or reply under their post implying they’re complaining.
She keeps going for these men for such shallow reasons and hasn’t seemed to learn anything in 63(?) years of life.
Yeah, I can suspend my disbelief that someone can be that obtuse, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to root for them, when they didn’t seem to make any good choices in the span of 46 years.
Like, she SAYS she’s not going to get married, but what has she done to enable that for herself? Has she looked into jobs women can have? Land management? Wrote down important details from the future? There are dozens of other regression stories out there where the protagonist has fewer chances and far less time and they are all so much more capable and likeable than she is.
Yeah I agree
Though I would also tell someone all my secrets if he was friendly and I knew we’d never meet again cuz I ‘ve seen it twice in my previous lifes
I always groan when I see teenmanhua…hope their translation doesn’t last
not teenmanhua ugggghhhhh i shall go die now
mama love
YOOO just my weird theory but what if he is also a regressor!! of when he was married to FL and she died (or something happened to her) reason why he said to her how she died. keeping his distance from her could mean he doesn’t want to relive what happened or wants fl is to live a better life. how he is looking at her could bring back memories of what happened.
So did she like married him first but does not remember and then screwed things up by marrying others?
Blueberry Tea
I get that this dude seemed cool, but do did the others and that turned out terribly. I know he’s good but she should just stay single after all of everythinf
how are you going to lick his hand yet get embarrassed by his voice and face?? also seems weird she chose to tell him everything just because she thinks they’ll never meet again, I know its the authors way for them to start talking but it seems forced and unnatural
I mean this is a manhwa after all and also it is very normal for some stuff here to be unrealistic. I’m nt trying to come at anyone bt pls do not omplain about the authors work for he/she probably did their best for us to enjoy this manhwa
don’t complain? ? Once you put your work on the internet its susceptible to all forms of critique positive and negative. Regardless of an author trying their bests reader are still going to give their opinions and they may not like some but how else would they grow as a writer or artist without honest feedback since no one is perfect.
And If you weren’t trying to come at anyone you shouldn’t @ them or reply under their post implying they’re complaining.
She keeps going for these men for such shallow reasons and hasn’t seemed to learn anything in 63(?) years of life.
Yeah, I can suspend my disbelief that someone can be that obtuse, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to root for them, when they didn’t seem to make any good choices in the span of 46 years.
Like, she SAYS she’s not going to get married, but what has she done to enable that for herself? Has she looked into jobs women can have? Land management? Wrote down important details from the future? There are dozens of other regression stories out there where the protagonist has fewer chances and far less time and they are all so much more capable and likeable than she is.
Yeah I agree
Though I would also tell someone all my secrets if he was friendly and I knew we’d never meet again cuz I ‘ve seen it twice in my previous lifes