Heypakas Theory. Protagonists family was probably the real Wilfred family, any green head killed them, and took the sucessor role instead of ines, who was too small. Second theory is that the greenhead is spouting bs October 6, 2023 at 3:33 pm Log in to Reply
Lightning-Kun green head did something nasty to his own bro… & treat his niece like a trash what a creepy ba***** hah!! tsk tsk October 6, 2023 at 2:45 pm Log in to Reply
Happyme I have a feeling the green haired bastard killed our protagonist family😡 April 27, 2023 at 10:09 pm Log in to Reply
Theory. Protagonists family was probably the real Wilfred family, any green head killed them, and took the sucessor role instead of ines, who was too small. Second theory is that the greenhead is spouting bs
green head did something nasty to his own bro… & treat his niece like a trash what a creepy ba***** hah!! tsk tsk
maybe the previous bride kill themself?
I have a feeling the green haired bastard killed our protagonist family😡