If you’ve never learned about the reasons and typical targets of bullying then you wouldn’t know but bullies pick easy targets. when they surveyed molesters in prison they said their favorite targets were women that looked meek, not small or beautiful, meek and not confident. Bullies in school will pick on ppl the same, getting bullied once makes you a target for other bullies bc you seem like an easy target. Everyone starts taking out their anger on you. It happens in families the same way, there is usually a single person that gets the most mistreatment.
That so called lord dude specifically picks her up…. and letting her go like that? not letting his daughter kick her I thought he’d use her for something else, and what’s with every single person in the mansion losing their humanity & specifically bullying FL for what reason… it could’ve been another maid but uh.. I think FL might be from a noble family with special bloodline or something & they have promised ML’s fam for marriage in future or maybe they both knew each other from childhood…. also what was they need for her to go out she should’ve pretended to be sick, steal some money leave this damned mansion long ago….
I’m so tired of seeing servants abused 😒
If you’ve never learned about the reasons and typical targets of bullying then you wouldn’t know but bullies pick easy targets. when they surveyed molesters in prison they said their favorite targets were women that looked meek, not small or beautiful, meek and not confident. Bullies in school will pick on ppl the same, getting bullied once makes you a target for other bullies bc you seem like an easy target. Everyone starts taking out their anger on you. It happens in families the same way, there is usually a single person that gets the most mistreatment.
That so called lord dude specifically picks her up…. and letting her go like that? not letting his daughter kick her I thought he’d use her for something else, and what’s with every single person in the mansion losing their humanity & specifically bullying FL for what reason… it could’ve been another maid but uh.. I think FL might be from a noble family with special bloodline or something & they have promised ML’s fam for marriage in future or maybe they both knew each other from childhood…. also what was they need for her to go out she should’ve pretended to be sick, steal some money leave this damned mansion long ago….
is she like some kind o f the last bloodline? thats why the ‘lord’ pick her up ? tell me if i am wrong