With all due respect, chairman of the board, age gap marriages are fine. As long as the participants are not underage or forced, there is no problem with a four year, or even eleven year (my parents gap) difference. To each their own.
That said, ml is cute lol
@MiscMech: historically speaking that’s a very very very acceptable age gap🥲 even now most asian couples (esp one/two gen back) have an average age gap of 3-10yrs with the man being older. Plus the fact that he only found her cute comfortable and interesting at that time. I think he started falling for her romantically when he saw her again at the temple.
14 you’re in HS here. In fact I’ve always felt like 18 shouldn’t be considered an adult yet cause usually they’re still in HS. 14 would be one of your peers. Plus I don’t think he fell in love with her back then or is now…
I don’t think they’re ages are a problem
I mean 4 year is a good distance. And he was young and he only thought she was cute. And now they are all grown up.
Kinda weirding me out tbh. He was 18 at the time and she was 14. I’m not accusing him of being a creep sine he obviously didn’t pursue her while she was underage.
But what 18 yr old looks at a 14 yr old and feels attraction? Seriously, 14 is practically a little kid. She’d be in middle school where I live while he’s be graduating high school.
Like, this is more of an issue with my suspension of disbelief rather than anything else. You would not see a high school senior or recent grad hanging out with a middle schooler or freshman let alone seeing them as a romantic option.
With all due respect, chairman of the board, age gap marriages are fine. As long as the participants are not underage or forced, there is no problem with a four year, or even eleven year (my parents gap) difference. To each their own.
That said, ml is cute lol
@MiscMech: historically speaking that’s a very very very acceptable age gap🥲 even now most asian couples (esp one/two gen back) have an average age gap of 3-10yrs with the man being older. Plus the fact that he only found her cute comfortable and interesting at that time. I think he started falling for her romantically when he saw her again at the temple.
It’s not like he was a creep anyway,he just found her different from all the other ladies he met
14 you’re in HS here. In fact I’ve always felt like 18 shouldn’t be considered an adult yet cause usually they’re still in HS. 14 would be one of your peers. Plus I don’t think he fell in love with her back then or is now…
I don’t think they’re ages are a problem
I mean 4 year is a good distance. And he was young and he only thought she was cute. And now they are all grown up.
So it was love at firts sight
Kinda weirding me out tbh. He was 18 at the time and she was 14. I’m not accusing him of being a creep sine he obviously didn’t pursue her while she was underage.
But what 18 yr old looks at a 14 yr old and feels attraction? Seriously, 14 is practically a little kid. She’d be in middle school where I live while he’s be graduating high school.
Like, this is more of an issue with my suspension of disbelief rather than anything else. You would not see a high school senior or recent grad hanging out with a middle schooler or freshman let alone seeing them as a romantic option.
So he fell in love 10 years ago. And omg the ML’s mother is so beautiful