@MiscMech I WAS THINKING THE EXACT SAME THING, like why did this servant just randomly snatch up an egg that was sitting in a cage for a reason and decide to cook it not knowing what it was? it dont make sense
1. If they revere birds, shouldn’t they be a bit hesitant of eating unknown eggs?
2. … Servants are really not supposed to take things out of their master’s chambers like that
Is that going to be her final form?
Hmmmm…… This is ominous for future story effort
Princess Duck
“Oh an egg in a luxurious cage! It must be for a meal!!! Let’s cook it!”
Dumb right?
I’ve never worked for a rich person before, but even I know that’s a stupid thing to do.
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
@MiscMech I WAS THINKING THE EXACT SAME THING, like why did this servant just randomly snatch up an egg that was sitting in a cage for a reason and decide to cook it not knowing what it was? it dont make sense
1. If they revere birds, shouldn’t they be a bit hesitant of eating unknown eggs?
2. … Servants are really not supposed to take things out of their master’s chambers like that
Legendary… are we in adopt me now