Stayed up the whole night to finish it. Anyway, here’s the summary:
Spoiler: Plot
Haniel is an outcast angel from heaven. She’s the only one with silver wings, and she’s very tiny so everyone else looks down on her. She’s also one of the apprentice angels who was given the chance to train to go to earth to fight demons. The goddess gives everyone 200 years to train, but Haniel is the only one who focus on fighting rather than studying politics and philosophy and what-not, so she’s the only one who passed the test at the end of 200 years. Everyone else was too confident in their divine powers and were defeated, so they were jealous of Haniel. Before the goddess sent Haniel to earth, she blessed Haniel, which creates the streak of gold in Haniel’s hair.
Haniel was supposed to stay inside the egg for 30 days before hatching, but Durahan, ML’s bird, found the egg inside an owl nest and bought it to ML. Richard, the ML, is the emperor and he’s an only child. His parents are passionately in love, which is something the ML envied. His parents abdicated the throne to him and went on vacation, so his parents aren’t dead. Someone found the egg and thought it was a snack for Durahan, so they tried to crack it and cook it, but Haniel, sensing danger, started rolling away and used divine power to protect herself. ML and everyone at the scene were shock to see a moving egg, then even more surprise to see the mark of divine power flaring up on the egg, so ML declared the bird to be the creed (a prophecy said that the goddess would descent to earth marked by gold and silver and the empire would flourish).
After 30 days, the egg hatch. ML have been talking to the egg like a parent all this time, so Haniel got attached to ML while still in the egg. After hatching, Haniel saw ML’s perfect appearance and decide to make him her husband. The problem is, she’s still a bird and can’t transform for 100 days. ML was a little disappointed that the Haniel was so tiny, but got attached to her really quick because Haniel was so cute and affectionate, and she seems to understand everything he says. He named her Phoenix. Even the nobles got fond of Haniel for her cuteness.
However, they were also pressing ML to find an Empress, so there was a banquet and everything around the time Haniel can turn to human. She turns into human while alone in ML’s room (also her room because she lives with him), but she fell asleep on ML’s bed. He later came in and thought she was an assassin or high-ranking demon, so he pointed his sword at her. Haniel got scared and jumped out the window. ML notice that Phoenix was missing and thought Haniel stole it. Meanwhile, Haniel ran into the crown prince of another country, who was a lecher and having a tryst with a maid. Haniel punch him because he called her a quail when he met her bird form before running off to find her magic staff, which was also sent to earth.
Haniel ran into a group of people that was attacked by demons. She jumped into the fight and vanquished them easily due to her training. Haniel helped cured someone in the group with divine power. The merchant couple there got a liking to her because she was so pretty and brave and thinks their son will like her. The couple is actually ML’s parents in disguise. They thought she was the princess of Sylvia due to her silver hair and fine clothes (she took them while running from ML so they were actually ML’s clothes). She just lied and nodded along because she can’t reveal that she’s an angel. They also found out that Haniel knew ML, but came to the wrong conclusion that they are already dating secretly. ML’s mother convinced her brother to adopt Haniel and present he as an empress candidate.
Spoiler: Haniel’s personality
Haniel isn’t a stupid or weak character. She fights injustice and won’t sit still if someone she cares about is in trouble. She’s written as a pure-hearted girl who judges people mercilessly if they act evil (it’s kind of an angel thing). If anyone plots against her, she easily sees through the plot and retaliates easily. Actually, part of the reason why she’s a bit bland is because her divine power is so OP she figures out everything and retaliates easily without showing any wits or skills. Also, because she’s not from earth, she struggles a bit to fit into their customs and society. This cause some second-hand embarrassment sometimes due to Haniel’s misunderstanding.
Another empress candidate, Rachel, took a liking to Haniel because Haniel was so gorgeous she could overshadow Rosalind and Chloe, both of whom were also empress candidates and once bullied Rachel for wanting to be a knight. It worked, and Rosalind got jealous and felt threatened by Haniel’s beauty. However, the ML didn’t like Haniel at first because Haniel had silver hair with a streak of gold like Phoenix, and he thought she dyed her hair on purpose to get closer to him. He also didn’t like how Haniel called him by name (he once told Phoenix he wished to be addressed by his name, something only his parents do). The last empress candidate was Yenika, who was also a bird angel from heaven, but she backed off after Haniel said she’d seen Richard naked and it was taboo to steal another bird’s mate. Around this time, Haniel starts visiting ML again in her bird form at night, which delights him as he missed her, but she keeps leaving to become Haniel without his knowledge. This is because she’s not allowed to tell him she’s an angel.
One day, Rachel was pushed into the pond by Rosalind and Chloe. Haniel retaliate by pushing them both into the lake. Sir Chad, a knight, misunderstood the situation at first and Haniel, thinking he was also one of the bullies, pushed him into the lake. Haniel demand that they apologize to Rachel, and Sir Chad immediately understood the situation. Rachel fainted because Sir Chad was her idol as she also wants to become a knight. After she woke up and clarified it, Haniel apologizes to Sir Chad. Rosalind was so furious she tried to frame Haniel as an animal abuser. Only ML, who dislike Haniel, believe in her innocence in the face of the accusation. The abused animal ran to Haniel, which shows that she can’t be the abuser if the animal goes to her for comfort. Rachel revealed that Haniel feeds the animal, that’s why they run to her. ML also show support for Haniel, so her name was cleared. Haniel secretly found out the real culprit and privately punished him by making him experience what the animals did (being kicked and trampled on). The culprit was one of Rosalind’s three brothers, and he went mad afterward. Rosalind’s family realized it must have been Haniel because the guy kept raving about silver hair and monster.
The sequence of events is a bit confusing, but between the empress candidate drama, Haniel was trying to track down the demons in the palace. She got caught by ML, who was also trying to defeat the demons, and he suspects her of having ties with demon. He made her drink two potions: one to see if she’s a demon and one to make her unable to lie for a period of time. This proves her innocence and also reveal the fact that her hair was natural, something that surprises ML because it’s too coincidental. (She also declared that she wants to mate with ML and have many kids with him because she fell in love with him at first sight, something that scandalized ML) ML stops doubting Haniel around this time, but he still doesn’t quite like her. However, he realizes he can’t keep his mind off her because she accidentally hugged him while hiding from demons and it turns him on, something that shocks him as he was never interested in a woman before.
Rosalind made Chloe’s horse have a seizure when the candidates went out to get honey. A black bear almost attached Chloe, but Haniel secretly helped the black bear leave after getting captured. Rosalind secretly told Chloe that she saw Haniel near the stables recently, so Chloe immediately thought Haniel was guilty. Chloe was having an affair with her sister’s fiance, who helps Chloe scheme against Haniel by hiring an actor to pretend to be Haniel’s abandoned lover and bring along a child for extra drama. ML, of course, does not believe it and had the man imprisoned. The real parents of the child were found shortly after, so the plan didn’t work out for Chloe. However, Haniel arranged for people to uncovered Chloe’s affair. Chloe was thrown out of the palace and her secret lover was executed. Chloe was also killed by her family because she seduced her future brother-in-law. But before that, Haniel made Chloe realize that it was Rosalind who almost got her killed by the black bear, not Haniel, and Chloe broke down realizing she destroyed herself going after the wrong person.
There was a hunting event after, and another one of Rosalind’s brother tried to get Haniel killed through assassins, but she escaped unscathed with her divine power and punished him by making him experience what he tried to do to her (fell into a swamp and shot in the head by arrows, sort of). Haniel then went to ML, thinking he might be in danger from the assassins too. She caught a poisoned arrow directed at ML with her bare hand, but she accidentally knock him to the ground and fell on top of him in the process. She tried to fix the situation by brushing grass off his butt, which scandalized him internally, but she later apologized and it was forgotten. ML really started liking her as she was honest and truly didn’t mean any harm or have ulterior motives for her actions.
There was a banquet, and ML decided to take Haniel as his partner. They went to the terrace to have a private moment and fluffy moment. Haniel learned the dance move by watching the other dancers, then boldly asked ML to dance with her. She did so well she caught everyone’s attention. Rosalind’s last brother, Thiermand, was obsessed with Haniel because she’s so pretty that he want to get her kicked out of the competition to have her for himself. He started casting doubts on Haniel’s identity right in the middle of the banquet. However, ML’s parents came in to reveal that she’s the princess of Sylvia. However, someone from Sylvia said that it’s not true because the princess is only 2 years old. ML’s parents were shock and Haniel confesses that it was lie, then ran off. News start spreading that Haniel is a con-artist.
ML’s people are feeling bad for him because his first love is a scammer, but he doesn’t believe that. ML’s parents came to him and apologized, saying that while they initially felt betrayed, they realize the fault is theirs because Haniel was just an innocent child who was confused and they were the one to push her into becoming an empress candidate. They felt guilty because she ran off crying by herself. Haniel went back to find the black pieces (the fighting demon subplot was confusing, but the demons hiding in the palace was trying to collect them to awaken someone). ML caught her, but he wasn’t mad. He said he still love her and if she wants to marry him, he will lay out a flower path and she doesn’t have to fix anything. He also guessed Haniel’s identity to be a demon hunter. Haniel said she wanted some time (to stop the demons), then left. Around this time, ML realized that Haniel was Phoenix and had a laughing fit, which made his aides worried as they thought it was from heartbreak. Later, it was announced that Haniel was indeed the princess of Sylvia, the sister of the current queen who was kept hidden. Everyone had whiplash from the sudden news, and Haniel was no longer called a fraudster but the future empress. ML helped out Sylvia with their civil war situation in exchange for this.
Haniel, in her bird form, heard this and was surprised. Eventually, she returned to him as a human. Rosalind originally thought she would become the empress because Yenika and Rachel quitted for different reasons, Chloe was dead, and Haniel was declared to be a fraudster. However, the sudden change of tide and a notice saying that Haniel had been selected as Empress drove her mad. On her trip back home, Haniel made her experience what she did to Chloe: falling off her horse and getting charged by a black bear. Rosalind got traumatized, but she didn’t go completely mad like one of her brothers.
The lecherous crown prince from another empire came back to visit, but he had gotten curious about the silver hair girl who punched him, so he lied, saying that he had an affair with a silver hair maid and wanted to visit her. ML got mad, knowing Haniel was innocent, but this lewd guy was interested in his fiancee. Haniel found out about how he preyed on the maids, so she tried to attack him in bird form. Before she could, Durahan and a pack of larger birds sense her intention and did it first and castrated the crown prince. The crown prince tried to raise a ruckus, but birds are sacred in ML’s empire and everyone agreed it was probably a punishment from the goddess for sexually harassing the maids. He was sent home and killed on his way there by a noble who wanted the princess to succeed the throne instead of a sterile prince.
Rosalind’s brother, Thiermand, wanted to make Haniel infertile so she would be abandoned by the emperor and Rosalind can become the empress. He tried to sneak infertility pills into Haniel’s tea by bribing her maids, but Haniel sensed it with divine power and transferred the poison back to the sender. When Rosalind’s family, the duchy, found out they are sterile, they freaked out because it effectively ended their bloodline and ended Rosalind’s chance of becoming empress. Rosalind started suspecting Thiermand because he was the only one “fine” while she and her other brothers were missing or mad. She attacks Theirmand with a knife, but he pushed her into vase, causing her to have brain damage. He had Rosalind locked up and fed a drug to mute her.
The demons were aware that there was an angel on earth and plans to kill her by using a powder that caused divine power to pour out. Instead of Haniel, they encountered ML, who killed them. However, he was affected by the powder and passed out. Haniel, upon hearing that, ran to him and tried to heal him with her divine power. However, he accidentally drained all her divine powers, either the black pieces on ML, or his body, which contains three powers. Haniel realize the identity the demons were trying to reawaken is the ML.
After Haniel lost all her divine powers, her soul return to heaven and she was crying, thinking she was gonna die since all her divine power is gone. The goddess assured her that angels can’t die and Haniel was being upgraded to a full-fledge angel or something, which allows her to use divine powers with less restriction. The goddess also tells Haniel a story: a girl and her younger brother was chosen by the goddess to have a great power, but a jealous noble had them chased out of their village. The younger brother was sick, and the girl was desperate. After a golden hair angel saved the two from getting attacked, she begged him to save her brother as the villagers have the medicine but won’t give it to them. He couldn’t but made a deal with the devil to let him borrow his wings for an hour in exchange for the medicine. The younger brother was cured, and the girl and the angel had a romantic moment. However, they soon realize the village was on fire and the world was being destroyed. The devil used the angel’s wings to destroy the world in only one hour. The devil beckoned to the angel to abandon the goddess and become the leader of demons instead, but the girl stepped forward to protect the angel and unleashed her divine power for the first time to defeat the devil. After the devil was defeated, the girl died, and her soul started fading. The angel tore off his wings and used one to save the girl and one to save her brother. The goddess and the other angels were angry because he made a deal with the devil and almost got the world destroyed, then sacrificed his own wings to save the two. Instead of wiping out his existence, the goddess allows him a chance to redeem himself by making up for his sins. He went around hunting demons (but spared one as it was an unborn child inside a human woman), then went through many reincarnations before finally becoming the emperor. Haniel understands that the girl is her and the bird by ML’s side, Durahan, is her younger brother. She visits the centaur who trained her in combat before returning to earth.
Haniel woke up, much to the joy of ML and his aide. Around the time, Haniel realized that ML had already figured out her identity and was a little miffed that he hid that knowledge from her. They got married, but as per bird tradition, they have to spent one month with Haniel in her bird form at night, so they slept holding hand/wing. Thiermand, Rosalind’s brother, tried to send a beautiful woman to seduce ML. Haniel recognized her as a duck she met while in heaven (her centaur master introduced them before Haniel had to go back to earth), so Haniel took her into her care.
At this time, another king was declared to possess divine powers, which no ordinary human has unless blessed by the goddess. The king, along with some priests, was actually in cahoots with the devil. The remaining high-ranking demons believed Haniel was an angel and tried to confirm this by sending a handsome priest to seduce Haniel and give her a poison that will ruin her body. Haniel somehow missed the poison, but her duck notice and attacked the priest before Haniel could drink it. ML got suspicious, knowing that a very handsome priest tried to visit the empress and deduced that the church was up to no good. Haniel manipulated the priest’s memory, making him think that she drank the poison and wasn’t affected. Duck was returned to heaven since she’s still young.
Later, they all showed up to church to attend a ceremony given by the king with false divine power. The king used demonic magic to transform an innocent person into a demon to instill fear, then opening accused Haniel of being a demon. He tried to transform Haniel the same as he did with the other person, but it didn’t work because Haniel was an angel. Thiermand also spoke up, accusing Haniel of giving infertility pills to Rosalind and how he retaliated by sending them back, which means Haniel is infertile (it’s a lie, of course).
ML pointed out holes in the king’s speech and ask that they confirm the king’s legitimacy using the creed. Haniel stepped up to reveal what divine power really is. She reveals that the other person is not a demon and heals him, then used her divine power to unmask the real demon, the person by the fraudster king’s side. She also unmasked the fraudster king to be a demon too. After everyone understood the truth, they asked the emperor what he meant when he called the empress the creed. To instill faith in the empire, Haniel reveals her angel wings to the people. They were silver wings, which Richard once sacrificed to save her, and she sees them as the wings that will now protect him and his people. At this moment, the unclean angel (ML) who sinned has finally paid off all his sins and was redeemed. Everyone cheered at the fact that the empress is a messenger from the goddess. Then, Haniel transform into Phoenix and flew back to ML. ML reveals that Haniel’s identity as the princess of Sylvia was a lie he spread to hide the fact that Haniel was the creed, but people were so overjoyed that they don’t care about being deceived.
Thiermand and Rosalind’s family was imprisoned on the crimes of attempting to poison the empress. Thiermand reveals to his family that his missing brother is dead as they found his belonging in the swamp where he tried to kill Haniel. Thiermand was then murdered by Rosalind because she blames him for being unbroken. The rest are executed.
Durahan can now transform into human after Haniel revealed her wings. They reunite tearfully. A month has passed, so it’s time for Haniel and ML to have their first night. Haniel is nervous because she doesn’t know what to do, but ML said he is naturally talented at everything and offers to teach her. However, he didn’t realize that angels have to stay in their bird form when pregnant because they raise and nurture their youngs in bird form, so after the first night, Haniel got pregnant and have to stay in bird form for a month. Haniel laid six eggs, so they have six children. So the six birds in the cover are their kids in bird form. The end.
Mar 20, 2022
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Sarahlin said: ↑
Stayed up the whole night to finish it. Anyway, here’s the summary:
Spoiler: Plot
Haniel is an outcast angel from heaven. She’s the only one with silver wings, and she’s very tiny so everyone else looks down on her. She’s also one of the apprentice angels who was given the chance to train to go to earth to fight demons. The goddess gives everyone 200 years to train, but Haniel is the only one who focus on fighting rather than studying politics and philosophy and what-not, so she’s the only one who passed the test at the end of 200 years. Everyone else was too confident in their divine powers and were defeated, so they were jealous of Haniel. Before the goddess sent Haniel to earth, she blessed Haniel, which creates the streak of gold in Haniel’s hair.
Haniel was supposed to stay inside the egg for 30 days before hatching, but Durahan, ML’s bird, found the egg inside an owl nest and bought it to ML. Richard, the ML, is the emperor and he’s an only child. His parents are passionately in love, which is something the ML envied. His parents abdicated the throne to him and went on vacation, so his parents aren’t dead. Someone found the egg and thought it was a snack for Durahan, so they tried to crack it and cook it, but Haniel, sensing danger, started rolling away and used divine power to protect herself. ML and everyone at the scene were shock to see a moving egg, then even more surprise to see the mark of divine power flaring up on the egg, so ML declared the bird to be the creed (a prophecy said that the goddess would descent to earth marked by gold and silver and the empire would flourish).
After 30 days, the egg hatch. ML have been talking to the egg like a parent all this time, so Haniel got attached to ML while still in the egg. After hatching, Haniel saw ML’s perfect appearance and decide to make him her husband. The problem is, she’s still a bird and can’t transform for 100 days. ML was a little disappointed that the Haniel was so tiny, but got attached to her really quick because Haniel was so cute and affectionate, and she seems to understand everything he says. He named her Phoenix. Even the nobles got fond of Haniel for her cuteness.
However, they were also pressing ML to find an Empress, so there was a banquet and everything around the time Haniel can turn to human. She turns into human while alone in ML’s room (also her room because she lives with him), but she fell asleep on ML’s bed. He later came in and thought she was an assassin or high-ranking demon, so he pointed his sword at her. Haniel got scared and jumped out the window. ML notice that Phoenix was missing and thought Haniel stole it. Meanwhile, Haniel ran into the crown prince of another country, who was a lecher and having a tryst with a maid. Haniel punch him because he called her a quail when he met her bird form before running off to find her magic staff, which was also sent to earth.
Haniel ran into a group of people that was attacked by demons. She jumped into the fight and vanquished them easily due to her training. Haniel helped cured someone in the group with divine power. The merchant couple there got a liking to her because she was so pretty and brave and thinks their son will like her. The couple is actually ML’s parents in disguise. They thought she was the princess of Sylvia due to her silver hair and fine clothes (she took them while running from ML so they were actually ML’s clothes). She just lied and nodded along because she can’t reveal that she’s an angel. They also found out that Haniel knew ML, but came to the wrong conclusion that they are already dating secretly. ML’s mother convinced her brother to adopt Haniel and present he as an empress candidate.
Spoiler: Haniel’s personality
Another empress candidate, Rachel, took a liking to Haniel because Haniel was so gorgeous she could overshadow Rosalind and Chloe, both of whom were also empress candidates and once bullied Rachel for wanting to be a knight. It worked, and Rosalind got jealous and felt threatened by Haniel’s beauty. However, the ML didn’t like Haniel at first because Haniel had silver hair with a streak of gold like Phoenix, and he thought she dyed her hair on purpose to get closer to him. He also didn’t like how Haniel called him by name (he once told Phoenix he wished to be addressed by his name, something only his parents do). The last empress candidate was Yenika, who was also a bird angel from heaven, but she backed off after Haniel said she’d seen Richard naked and it was taboo to steal another bird’s mate. Around this time, Haniel starts visiting ML again in her bird form at night, which delights him as he missed her, but she keeps leaving to become Haniel without his knowledge. This is because she’s not allowed to tell him she’s an angel.
One day, Rachel was pushed into the pond by Rosalind and Chloe. Haniel retaliate by pushing them both into the lake. Sir Chad, a knight, misunderstood the situation at first and Haniel, thinking he was also one of the bullies, pushed him into the lake. Haniel demand that they apologize to Rachel, and Sir Chad immediately understood the situation. Rachel fainted because Sir Chad was her idol as she also wants to become a knight. After she woke up and clarified it, Haniel apologizes to Sir Chad. Rosalind was so furious she tried to frame Haniel as an animal abuser. Only ML, who dislike Haniel, believe in her innocence in the face of the accusation. The abused animal ran to Haniel, which shows that she can’t be the abuser if the animal goes to her for comfort. Rachel revealed that Haniel feeds the animal, that’s why they run to her. ML also show support for Haniel, so her name was cleared. Haniel secretly found out the real culprit and privately punished him by making him experience what the animals did (being kicked and trampled on). The culprit was one of Rosalind’s three brothers, and he went mad afterward. Rosalind’s family realized it must have been Haniel because the guy kept raving about silver hair and monster.
The sequence of events is a bit confusing, but between the empress candidate drama, Haniel was trying to track down the demons in the palace. She got caught by ML, who was also trying to defeat the demons, and he suspects her of having ties with demon. He made her drink two potions: one to see if she’s a demon and one to make her unable to lie for a period of time. This proves her innocence and also reveal the fact that her hair was natural, something that surprises ML because it’s too coincidental. (She also declared that she wants to mate with ML and have many kids with him because she fell in love with him at first sight, something that scandalized ML) ML stops doubting Haniel around this time, but he still doesn’t quite like her. However, he realizes he can’t keep his mind off her because she accidentally hugged him while hiding from demons and it turns him on, something that shocks him as he was never interested in a woman before.
Rosalind made Chloe’s horse have a seizure when the candidates went out to get honey. A black bear almost attached Chloe, but Haniel secretly helped the black bear leave after getting captured. Rosalind secretly told Chloe that she saw Haniel near the stables recently, so Chloe immediately thought Haniel was guilty. Chloe was having an affair with her sister’s fiance, who helps Chloe scheme against Haniel by hiring an actor to pretend to be Haniel’s abandoned lover and bring along a child for extra drama. ML, of course, does not believe it and had the man imprisoned. The real parents of the child were found shortly after, so the plan didn’t work out for Chloe. However, Haniel arranged for people to uncovered Chloe’s affair. Chloe was thrown out of the palace and her secret lover was executed. Chloe was also killed by her family because she seduced her future brother-in-law. But before that, Haniel made Chloe realize that it was Rosalind who almost got her killed by the black bear, not Haniel, and Chloe broke down realizing she destroyed herself going after the wrong person.
There was a hunting event after, and another one of Rosalind’s brother tried to get Haniel killed through assassins, but she escaped unscathed with her divine power and punished him by making him experience what he tried to do to her (fell into a swamp and shot in the head by arrows, sort of). Haniel then went to ML, thinking he might be in danger from the assassins too. She caught a poisoned arrow directed at ML with her bare hand, but she accidentally knock him to the ground and fell on top of him in the process. She tried to fix the situation by brushing grass off his butt, which scandalized him internally, but she later apologized and it was forgotten. ML really started liking her as she was honest and truly didn’t mean any harm or have ulterior motives for her actions.
There was a banquet, and ML decided to take Haniel as his partner. They went to the terrace to have a private moment and fluffy moment. Haniel learned the dance move by watching the other dancers, then boldly asked ML to dance with her. She did so well she caught everyone’s attention. Rosalind’s last brother, Thiermand, was obsessed with Haniel because she’s so pretty that he want to get her kicked out of the competition to have her for himself. He started casting doubts on Haniel’s identity right in the middle of the banquet. However, ML’s parents came in to reveal that she’s the princess of Sylvia. However, someone from Sylvia said that it’s not true because the princess is only 2 years old. ML’s parents were shock and Haniel confesses that it was lie, then ran off. News start spreading that Haniel is a con-artist.
ML’s people are feeling bad for him because his first love is a scammer, but he doesn’t believe that. ML’s parents came to him and apologized, saying that while they initially felt betrayed, they realize the fault is theirs because Haniel was just an innocent child who was confused and they were the one to push her into becoming an empress candidate. They felt guilty because she ran off crying by herself. Haniel went back to find the black pieces (the fighting demon subplot was confusing, but the demons hiding in the palace was trying to collect them to awaken someone). ML caught her, but he wasn’t mad. He said he still love her and if she wants to marry him, he will lay out a flower path and she doesn’t have to fix anything. He also guessed Haniel’s identity to be a demon hunter. Haniel said she wanted some time (to stop the demons), then left. Around this time, ML realized that Haniel was Phoenix and had a laughing fit, which made his aides worried as they thought it was from heartbreak. Later, it was announced that Haniel was indeed the princess of Sylvia, the sister of the current queen who was kept hidden. Everyone had whiplash from the sudden news, and Haniel was no longer called a fraudster but the future empress. ML helped out Sylvia with their civil war situation in exchange for this.
Haniel, in her bird form, heard this and was surprised. Eventually, she returned to him as a human. Rosalind originally thought she would become the empress because Yenika and Rachel quitted for different reasons, Chloe was dead, and Haniel was declared to be a fraudster. However, the sudden change of tide and a notice saying that Haniel had been selected as Empress drove her mad. On her trip back home, Haniel made her experience what she did to Chloe: falling off her horse and getting charged by a black bear. Rosalind got traumatized, but she didn’t go completely mad like one of her brothers.
The lecherous crown prince from another empire came back to visit, but he had gotten curious about the silver hair girl who punched him, so he lied, saying that he had an affair with a silver hair maid and wanted to visit her. ML got mad, knowing Haniel was innocent, but this lewd guy was interested in his fiancee. Haniel found out about how he preyed on the maids, so she tried to attack him in bird form. Before she could, Durahan and a pack of larger birds sense her intention and did it first and castrated the crown prince. The crown prince tried to raise a ruckus, but birds are sacred in ML’s empire and everyone agreed it was probably a punishment from the goddess for sexually harassing the maids. He was sent home and killed on his way there by a noble who wanted the princess to succeed the throne instead of a sterile prince.
Rosalind’s brother, Thiermand, wanted to make Haniel infertile so she would be abandoned by the emperor and Rosalind can become the empress. He tried to sneak infertility pills into Haniel’s tea by bribing her maids, but Haniel sensed it with divine power and transferred the poison back to the sender. When Rosalind’s family, the duchy, found out they are sterile, they freaked out because it effectively ended their bloodline and ended Rosalind’s chance of becoming empress. Rosalind started suspecting Thiermand because he was the only one “fine” while she and her other brothers were missing or mad. She attacks Theirmand with a knife, but he pushed her into vase, causing her to have brain damage. He had Rosalind locked up and fed a drug to mute her.
The demons were aware that there was an angel on earth and plans to kill her by using a powder that caused divine power to pour out. Instead of Haniel, they encountered ML, who killed them. However, he was affected by the powder and passed out. Haniel, upon hearing that, ran to him and tried to heal him with her divine power. However, he accidentally drained all her divine powers, either the black pieces on ML, or his body, which contains three powers. Haniel realize the identity the demons were trying to reawaken is the ML.
After Haniel lost all her divine powers, her soul return to heaven and she was crying, thinking she was gonna die since all her divine power is gone. The goddess assured her that angels can’t die and Haniel was being upgraded to a full-fledge angel or something, which allows her to use divine powers with less restriction. The goddess also tells Haniel a story: a girl and her younger brother was chosen by the goddess to have a great power, but a jealous noble had them chased out of their village. The younger brother was sick, and the girl was desperate. After a golden hair angel saved the two from getting attacked, she begged him to save her brother as the villagers have the medicine but won’t give it to them. He couldn’t but made a deal with the devil to let him borrow his wings for an hour in exchange for the medicine. The younger brother was cured, and the girl and the angel had a romantic moment. However, they soon realize the village was on fire and the world was being destroyed. The devil used the angel’s wings to destroy the world in only one hour. The devil beckoned to the angel to abandon the goddess and become the leader of demons instead, but the girl stepped forward to protect the angel and unleashed her divine power for the first time to defeat the devil. After the devil was defeated, the girl died, and her soul started fading. The angel tore off his wings and used one to save the girl and one to save her brother. The goddess and the other angels were angry because he made a deal with the devil and almost got the world destroyed, then sacrificed his own wings to save the two. Instead of wiping out his existence, the goddess allows him a chance to redeem himself by making up for his sins. He went around hunting demons (but spared one as it was an unborn child inside a human woman), then went through many reincarnations before finally becoming the emperor. Haniel understands that the girl is her and the bird by ML’s side, Durahan, is her younger brother. She visits the centaur who trained her in combat before returning to earth.
Haniel woke up, much to the joy of ML and his aide. Around the time, Haniel realized that ML had already figured out her identity and was a little miffed that he hid that knowledge from her. They got married, but as per bird tradition, they have to spent one month with Haniel in her bird form at night, so they slept holding hand/wing. Thiermand, Rosalind’s brother, tried to send a beautiful woman to seduce ML. Haniel recognized her as a duck she met while in heaven (her centaur master introduced them before Haniel had to go back to earth), so Haniel took her into her care.
At this time, another king was declared to possess divine powers, which no ordinary human has unless blessed by the goddess. The king, along with some priests, was actually in cahoots with the devil. The remaining high-ranking demons believed Haniel was an angel and tried to confirm this by sending a handsome priest to seduce Haniel and give her a poison that will ruin her body. Haniel somehow missed the poison, but her duck notice and attacked the priest before Haniel could drink it. ML got suspicious, knowing that a very handsome priest tried to visit the empress and deduced that the church was up to no good. Haniel manipulated the priest’s memory, making him think that she drank the poison and wasn’t affected. Duck was returned to heaven since she’s still young.
Later, they all showed up to church to attend a ceremony given by the king with false divine power. The king used demonic magic to transform an innocent person into a demon to instill fear, then opening accused Haniel of being a demon. He tried to transform Haniel the same as he did with the other person, but it didn’t work because Haniel was an angel. Thiermand also spoke up, accusing Haniel of giving infertility pills to Rosalind and how he retaliated by sending them back, which means Haniel is infertile (it’s a lie, of course).
ML pointed out holes in the king’s speech and ask that they confirm the king’s legitimacy using the creed. Haniel stepped up to reveal what divine power really is. She reveals that the other person is not a demon and heals him, then used her divine power to unmask the real demon, the person by the fraudster king’s side. She also unmasked the fraudster king to be a demon too. After everyone understood the truth, they asked the emperor what he meant when he called the empress the creed. To instill faith in the empire, Haniel reveals her angel wings to the people. They were silver wings, which Richard once sacrificed to save her, and she sees them as the wings that will now protect him and his people. At this moment, the unclean angel (ML) who sinned has finally paid off all his sins and was redeemed. Everyone cheered at the fact that the empress is a messenger from the goddess. Then, Haniel transform into Phoenix and flew back to ML. ML reveals that Haniel’s identity as the princess of Sylvia was a lie he spread to hide the fact that Haniel was the creed, but people were so overjoyed that they don’t care about being deceived.
Thiermand and Rosalind’s family was imprisoned on the crimes of attempting to poison the empress. Thiermand reveals to his family that his missing brother is dead as they found his belonging in the swamp where he tried to kill Haniel. Thiermand was then murdered by Rosalind because she blames him for being unbroken. The rest are executed.
Durahan can now transform into human after Haniel revealed her wings. They reunite tearfully. A month has passed, so it’s time for Haniel and ML to have their first night. Haniel is nervous because she doesn’t know what to do, but ML said he is naturally talented at everything and offers to teach her. However, he didn’t realize that angels have to stay in their bird form when pregnant because they raise and nurture their youngs in bird form, so after the first night, Haniel got pregnant and have to stay in bird form for a month. Haniel laid six eggs, so they have six children. So the six birds in the cover are their kids in bird form….the end
Wtf, can’t use the weapon and transform backnuntil it adapt, follow to use the weapon immediately…..and what with the clothes coming out of nowhere now..
Half the page on my phone is of the comment below
@Shwrta woah 😯 thank you for your efforts and the spoilers
@Shwrta that’s so long…..
Stayed up the whole night to finish it. Anyway, here’s the summary:
Spoiler: Plot
Haniel is an outcast angel from heaven. She’s the only one with silver wings, and she’s very tiny so everyone else looks down on her. She’s also one of the apprentice angels who was given the chance to train to go to earth to fight demons. The goddess gives everyone 200 years to train, but Haniel is the only one who focus on fighting rather than studying politics and philosophy and what-not, so she’s the only one who passed the test at the end of 200 years. Everyone else was too confident in their divine powers and were defeated, so they were jealous of Haniel. Before the goddess sent Haniel to earth, she blessed Haniel, which creates the streak of gold in Haniel’s hair.
Haniel was supposed to stay inside the egg for 30 days before hatching, but Durahan, ML’s bird, found the egg inside an owl nest and bought it to ML. Richard, the ML, is the emperor and he’s an only child. His parents are passionately in love, which is something the ML envied. His parents abdicated the throne to him and went on vacation, so his parents aren’t dead. Someone found the egg and thought it was a snack for Durahan, so they tried to crack it and cook it, but Haniel, sensing danger, started rolling away and used divine power to protect herself. ML and everyone at the scene were shock to see a moving egg, then even more surprise to see the mark of divine power flaring up on the egg, so ML declared the bird to be the creed (a prophecy said that the goddess would descent to earth marked by gold and silver and the empire would flourish).
After 30 days, the egg hatch. ML have been talking to the egg like a parent all this time, so Haniel got attached to ML while still in the egg. After hatching, Haniel saw ML’s perfect appearance and decide to make him her husband. The problem is, she’s still a bird and can’t transform for 100 days. ML was a little disappointed that the Haniel was so tiny, but got attached to her really quick because Haniel was so cute and affectionate, and she seems to understand everything he says. He named her Phoenix. Even the nobles got fond of Haniel for her cuteness.
However, they were also pressing ML to find an Empress, so there was a banquet and everything around the time Haniel can turn to human. She turns into human while alone in ML’s room (also her room because she lives with him), but she fell asleep on ML’s bed. He later came in and thought she was an assassin or high-ranking demon, so he pointed his sword at her. Haniel got scared and jumped out the window. ML notice that Phoenix was missing and thought Haniel stole it. Meanwhile, Haniel ran into the crown prince of another country, who was a lecher and having a tryst with a maid. Haniel punch him because he called her a quail when he met her bird form before running off to find her magic staff, which was also sent to earth.
Haniel ran into a group of people that was attacked by demons. She jumped into the fight and vanquished them easily due to her training. Haniel helped cured someone in the group with divine power. The merchant couple there got a liking to her because she was so pretty and brave and thinks their son will like her. The couple is actually ML’s parents in disguise. They thought she was the princess of Sylvia due to her silver hair and fine clothes (she took them while running from ML so they were actually ML’s clothes). She just lied and nodded along because she can’t reveal that she’s an angel. They also found out that Haniel knew ML, but came to the wrong conclusion that they are already dating secretly. ML’s mother convinced her brother to adopt Haniel and present he as an empress candidate.
Spoiler: Haniel’s personality
Haniel isn’t a stupid or weak character. She fights injustice and won’t sit still if someone she cares about is in trouble. She’s written as a pure-hearted girl who judges people mercilessly if they act evil (it’s kind of an angel thing). If anyone plots against her, she easily sees through the plot and retaliates easily. Actually, part of the reason why she’s a bit bland is because her divine power is so OP she figures out everything and retaliates easily without showing any wits or skills. Also, because she’s not from earth, she struggles a bit to fit into their customs and society. This cause some second-hand embarrassment sometimes due to Haniel’s misunderstanding.
Another empress candidate, Rachel, took a liking to Haniel because Haniel was so gorgeous she could overshadow Rosalind and Chloe, both of whom were also empress candidates and once bullied Rachel for wanting to be a knight. It worked, and Rosalind got jealous and felt threatened by Haniel’s beauty. However, the ML didn’t like Haniel at first because Haniel had silver hair with a streak of gold like Phoenix, and he thought she dyed her hair on purpose to get closer to him. He also didn’t like how Haniel called him by name (he once told Phoenix he wished to be addressed by his name, something only his parents do). The last empress candidate was Yenika, who was also a bird angel from heaven, but she backed off after Haniel said she’d seen Richard naked and it was taboo to steal another bird’s mate. Around this time, Haniel starts visiting ML again in her bird form at night, which delights him as he missed her, but she keeps leaving to become Haniel without his knowledge. This is because she’s not allowed to tell him she’s an angel.
One day, Rachel was pushed into the pond by Rosalind and Chloe. Haniel retaliate by pushing them both into the lake. Sir Chad, a knight, misunderstood the situation at first and Haniel, thinking he was also one of the bullies, pushed him into the lake. Haniel demand that they apologize to Rachel, and Sir Chad immediately understood the situation. Rachel fainted because Sir Chad was her idol as she also wants to become a knight. After she woke up and clarified it, Haniel apologizes to Sir Chad. Rosalind was so furious she tried to frame Haniel as an animal abuser. Only ML, who dislike Haniel, believe in her innocence in the face of the accusation. The abused animal ran to Haniel, which shows that she can’t be the abuser if the animal goes to her for comfort. Rachel revealed that Haniel feeds the animal, that’s why they run to her. ML also show support for Haniel, so her name was cleared. Haniel secretly found out the real culprit and privately punished him by making him experience what the animals did (being kicked and trampled on). The culprit was one of Rosalind’s three brothers, and he went mad afterward. Rosalind’s family realized it must have been Haniel because the guy kept raving about silver hair and monster.
The sequence of events is a bit confusing, but between the empress candidate drama, Haniel was trying to track down the demons in the palace. She got caught by ML, who was also trying to defeat the demons, and he suspects her of having ties with demon. He made her drink two potions: one to see if she’s a demon and one to make her unable to lie for a period of time. This proves her innocence and also reveal the fact that her hair was natural, something that surprises ML because it’s too coincidental. (She also declared that she wants to mate with ML and have many kids with him because she fell in love with him at first sight, something that scandalized ML) ML stops doubting Haniel around this time, but he still doesn’t quite like her. However, he realizes he can’t keep his mind off her because she accidentally hugged him while hiding from demons and it turns him on, something that shocks him as he was never interested in a woman before.
Rosalind made Chloe’s horse have a seizure when the candidates went out to get honey. A black bear almost attached Chloe, but Haniel secretly helped the black bear leave after getting captured. Rosalind secretly told Chloe that she saw Haniel near the stables recently, so Chloe immediately thought Haniel was guilty. Chloe was having an affair with her sister’s fiance, who helps Chloe scheme against Haniel by hiring an actor to pretend to be Haniel’s abandoned lover and bring along a child for extra drama. ML, of course, does not believe it and had the man imprisoned. The real parents of the child were found shortly after, so the plan didn’t work out for Chloe. However, Haniel arranged for people to uncovered Chloe’s affair. Chloe was thrown out of the palace and her secret lover was executed. Chloe was also killed by her family because she seduced her future brother-in-law. But before that, Haniel made Chloe realize that it was Rosalind who almost got her killed by the black bear, not Haniel, and Chloe broke down realizing she destroyed herself going after the wrong person.
There was a hunting event after, and another one of Rosalind’s brother tried to get Haniel killed through assassins, but she escaped unscathed with her divine power and punished him by making him experience what he tried to do to her (fell into a swamp and shot in the head by arrows, sort of). Haniel then went to ML, thinking he might be in danger from the assassins too. She caught a poisoned arrow directed at ML with her bare hand, but she accidentally knock him to the ground and fell on top of him in the process. She tried to fix the situation by brushing grass off his butt, which scandalized him internally, but she later apologized and it was forgotten. ML really started liking her as she was honest and truly didn’t mean any harm or have ulterior motives for her actions.
There was a banquet, and ML decided to take Haniel as his partner. They went to the terrace to have a private moment and fluffy moment. Haniel learned the dance move by watching the other dancers, then boldly asked ML to dance with her. She did so well she caught everyone’s attention. Rosalind’s last brother, Thiermand, was obsessed with Haniel because she’s so pretty that he want to get her kicked out of the competition to have her for himself. He started casting doubts on Haniel’s identity right in the middle of the banquet. However, ML’s parents came in to reveal that she’s the princess of Sylvia. However, someone from Sylvia said that it’s not true because the princess is only 2 years old. ML’s parents were shock and Haniel confesses that it was lie, then ran off. News start spreading that Haniel is a con-artist.
ML’s people are feeling bad for him because his first love is a scammer, but he doesn’t believe that. ML’s parents came to him and apologized, saying that while they initially felt betrayed, they realize the fault is theirs because Haniel was just an innocent child who was confused and they were the one to push her into becoming an empress candidate. They felt guilty because she ran off crying by herself. Haniel went back to find the black pieces (the fighting demon subplot was confusing, but the demons hiding in the palace was trying to collect them to awaken someone). ML caught her, but he wasn’t mad. He said he still love her and if she wants to marry him, he will lay out a flower path and she doesn’t have to fix anything. He also guessed Haniel’s identity to be a demon hunter. Haniel said she wanted some time (to stop the demons), then left. Around this time, ML realized that Haniel was Phoenix and had a laughing fit, which made his aides worried as they thought it was from heartbreak. Later, it was announced that Haniel was indeed the princess of Sylvia, the sister of the current queen who was kept hidden. Everyone had whiplash from the sudden news, and Haniel was no longer called a fraudster but the future empress. ML helped out Sylvia with their civil war situation in exchange for this.
Haniel, in her bird form, heard this and was surprised. Eventually, she returned to him as a human. Rosalind originally thought she would become the empress because Yenika and Rachel quitted for different reasons, Chloe was dead, and Haniel was declared to be a fraudster. However, the sudden change of tide and a notice saying that Haniel had been selected as Empress drove her mad. On her trip back home, Haniel made her experience what she did to Chloe: falling off her horse and getting charged by a black bear. Rosalind got traumatized, but she didn’t go completely mad like one of her brothers.
The lecherous crown prince from another empire came back to visit, but he had gotten curious about the silver hair girl who punched him, so he lied, saying that he had an affair with a silver hair maid and wanted to visit her. ML got mad, knowing Haniel was innocent, but this lewd guy was interested in his fiancee. Haniel found out about how he preyed on the maids, so she tried to attack him in bird form. Before she could, Durahan and a pack of larger birds sense her intention and did it first and castrated the crown prince. The crown prince tried to raise a ruckus, but birds are sacred in ML’s empire and everyone agreed it was probably a punishment from the goddess for sexually harassing the maids. He was sent home and killed on his way there by a noble who wanted the princess to succeed the throne instead of a sterile prince.
Rosalind’s brother, Thiermand, wanted to make Haniel infertile so she would be abandoned by the emperor and Rosalind can become the empress. He tried to sneak infertility pills into Haniel’s tea by bribing her maids, but Haniel sensed it with divine power and transferred the poison back to the sender. When Rosalind’s family, the duchy, found out they are sterile, they freaked out because it effectively ended their bloodline and ended Rosalind’s chance of becoming empress. Rosalind started suspecting Thiermand because he was the only one “fine” while she and her other brothers were missing or mad. She attacks Theirmand with a knife, but he pushed her into vase, causing her to have brain damage. He had Rosalind locked up and fed a drug to mute her.
The demons were aware that there was an angel on earth and plans to kill her by using a powder that caused divine power to pour out. Instead of Haniel, they encountered ML, who killed them. However, he was affected by the powder and passed out. Haniel, upon hearing that, ran to him and tried to heal him with her divine power. However, he accidentally drained all her divine powers, either the black pieces on ML, or his body, which contains three powers. Haniel realize the identity the demons were trying to reawaken is the ML.
After Haniel lost all her divine powers, her soul return to heaven and she was crying, thinking she was gonna die since all her divine power is gone. The goddess assured her that angels can’t die and Haniel was being upgraded to a full-fledge angel or something, which allows her to use divine powers with less restriction. The goddess also tells Haniel a story: a girl and her younger brother was chosen by the goddess to have a great power, but a jealous noble had them chased out of their village. The younger brother was sick, and the girl was desperate. After a golden hair angel saved the two from getting attacked, she begged him to save her brother as the villagers have the medicine but won’t give it to them. He couldn’t but made a deal with the devil to let him borrow his wings for an hour in exchange for the medicine. The younger brother was cured, and the girl and the angel had a romantic moment. However, they soon realize the village was on fire and the world was being destroyed. The devil used the angel’s wings to destroy the world in only one hour. The devil beckoned to the angel to abandon the goddess and become the leader of demons instead, but the girl stepped forward to protect the angel and unleashed her divine power for the first time to defeat the devil. After the devil was defeated, the girl died, and her soul started fading. The angel tore off his wings and used one to save the girl and one to save her brother. The goddess and the other angels were angry because he made a deal with the devil and almost got the world destroyed, then sacrificed his own wings to save the two. Instead of wiping out his existence, the goddess allows him a chance to redeem himself by making up for his sins. He went around hunting demons (but spared one as it was an unborn child inside a human woman), then went through many reincarnations before finally becoming the emperor. Haniel understands that the girl is her and the bird by ML’s side, Durahan, is her younger brother. She visits the centaur who trained her in combat before returning to earth.
Haniel woke up, much to the joy of ML and his aide. Around the time, Haniel realized that ML had already figured out her identity and was a little miffed that he hid that knowledge from her. They got married, but as per bird tradition, they have to spent one month with Haniel in her bird form at night, so they slept holding hand/wing. Thiermand, Rosalind’s brother, tried to send a beautiful woman to seduce ML. Haniel recognized her as a duck she met while in heaven (her centaur master introduced them before Haniel had to go back to earth), so Haniel took her into her care.
At this time, another king was declared to possess divine powers, which no ordinary human has unless blessed by the goddess. The king, along with some priests, was actually in cahoots with the devil. The remaining high-ranking demons believed Haniel was an angel and tried to confirm this by sending a handsome priest to seduce Haniel and give her a poison that will ruin her body. Haniel somehow missed the poison, but her duck notice and attacked the priest before Haniel could drink it. ML got suspicious, knowing that a very handsome priest tried to visit the empress and deduced that the church was up to no good. Haniel manipulated the priest’s memory, making him think that she drank the poison and wasn’t affected. Duck was returned to heaven since she’s still young.
Later, they all showed up to church to attend a ceremony given by the king with false divine power. The king used demonic magic to transform an innocent person into a demon to instill fear, then opening accused Haniel of being a demon. He tried to transform Haniel the same as he did with the other person, but it didn’t work because Haniel was an angel. Thiermand also spoke up, accusing Haniel of giving infertility pills to Rosalind and how he retaliated by sending them back, which means Haniel is infertile (it’s a lie, of course).
ML pointed out holes in the king’s speech and ask that they confirm the king’s legitimacy using the creed. Haniel stepped up to reveal what divine power really is. She reveals that the other person is not a demon and heals him, then used her divine power to unmask the real demon, the person by the fraudster king’s side. She also unmasked the fraudster king to be a demon too. After everyone understood the truth, they asked the emperor what he meant when he called the empress the creed. To instill faith in the empire, Haniel reveals her angel wings to the people. They were silver wings, which Richard once sacrificed to save her, and she sees them as the wings that will now protect him and his people. At this moment, the unclean angel (ML) who sinned has finally paid off all his sins and was redeemed. Everyone cheered at the fact that the empress is a messenger from the goddess. Then, Haniel transform into Phoenix and flew back to ML. ML reveals that Haniel’s identity as the princess of Sylvia was a lie he spread to hide the fact that Haniel was the creed, but people were so overjoyed that they don’t care about being deceived.
Thiermand and Rosalind’s family was imprisoned on the crimes of attempting to poison the empress. Thiermand reveals to his family that his missing brother is dead as they found his belonging in the swamp where he tried to kill Haniel. Thiermand was then murdered by Rosalind because she blames him for being unbroken. The rest are executed.
Durahan can now transform into human after Haniel revealed her wings. They reunite tearfully. A month has passed, so it’s time for Haniel and ML to have their first night. Haniel is nervous because she doesn’t know what to do, but ML said he is naturally talented at everything and offers to teach her. However, he didn’t realize that angels have to stay in their bird form when pregnant because they raise and nurture their youngs in bird form, so after the first night, Haniel got pregnant and have to stay in bird form for a month. Haniel laid six eggs, so they have six children. So the six birds in the cover are their kids in bird form. The end.
Mar 20, 2022
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Sarahlin said: ↑
Stayed up the whole night to finish it. Anyway, here’s the summary:
Spoiler: Plot
Haniel is an outcast angel from heaven. She’s the only one with silver wings, and she’s very tiny so everyone else looks down on her. She’s also one of the apprentice angels who was given the chance to train to go to earth to fight demons. The goddess gives everyone 200 years to train, but Haniel is the only one who focus on fighting rather than studying politics and philosophy and what-not, so she’s the only one who passed the test at the end of 200 years. Everyone else was too confident in their divine powers and were defeated, so they were jealous of Haniel. Before the goddess sent Haniel to earth, she blessed Haniel, which creates the streak of gold in Haniel’s hair.
Haniel was supposed to stay inside the egg for 30 days before hatching, but Durahan, ML’s bird, found the egg inside an owl nest and bought it to ML. Richard, the ML, is the emperor and he’s an only child. His parents are passionately in love, which is something the ML envied. His parents abdicated the throne to him and went on vacation, so his parents aren’t dead. Someone found the egg and thought it was a snack for Durahan, so they tried to crack it and cook it, but Haniel, sensing danger, started rolling away and used divine power to protect herself. ML and everyone at the scene were shock to see a moving egg, then even more surprise to see the mark of divine power flaring up on the egg, so ML declared the bird to be the creed (a prophecy said that the goddess would descent to earth marked by gold and silver and the empire would flourish).
After 30 days, the egg hatch. ML have been talking to the egg like a parent all this time, so Haniel got attached to ML while still in the egg. After hatching, Haniel saw ML’s perfect appearance and decide to make him her husband. The problem is, she’s still a bird and can’t transform for 100 days. ML was a little disappointed that the Haniel was so tiny, but got attached to her really quick because Haniel was so cute and affectionate, and she seems to understand everything he says. He named her Phoenix. Even the nobles got fond of Haniel for her cuteness.
However, they were also pressing ML to find an Empress, so there was a banquet and everything around the time Haniel can turn to human. She turns into human while alone in ML’s room (also her room because she lives with him), but she fell asleep on ML’s bed. He later came in and thought she was an assassin or high-ranking demon, so he pointed his sword at her. Haniel got scared and jumped out the window. ML notice that Phoenix was missing and thought Haniel stole it. Meanwhile, Haniel ran into the crown prince of another country, who was a lecher and having a tryst with a maid. Haniel punch him because he called her a quail when he met her bird form before running off to find her magic staff, which was also sent to earth.
Haniel ran into a group of people that was attacked by demons. She jumped into the fight and vanquished them easily due to her training. Haniel helped cured someone in the group with divine power. The merchant couple there got a liking to her because she was so pretty and brave and thinks their son will like her. The couple is actually ML’s parents in disguise. They thought she was the princess of Sylvia due to her silver hair and fine clothes (she took them while running from ML so they were actually ML’s clothes). She just lied and nodded along because she can’t reveal that she’s an angel. They also found out that Haniel knew ML, but came to the wrong conclusion that they are already dating secretly. ML’s mother convinced her brother to adopt Haniel and present he as an empress candidate.
Spoiler: Haniel’s personality
Another empress candidate, Rachel, took a liking to Haniel because Haniel was so gorgeous she could overshadow Rosalind and Chloe, both of whom were also empress candidates and once bullied Rachel for wanting to be a knight. It worked, and Rosalind got jealous and felt threatened by Haniel’s beauty. However, the ML didn’t like Haniel at first because Haniel had silver hair with a streak of gold like Phoenix, and he thought she dyed her hair on purpose to get closer to him. He also didn’t like how Haniel called him by name (he once told Phoenix he wished to be addressed by his name, something only his parents do). The last empress candidate was Yenika, who was also a bird angel from heaven, but she backed off after Haniel said she’d seen Richard naked and it was taboo to steal another bird’s mate. Around this time, Haniel starts visiting ML again in her bird form at night, which delights him as he missed her, but she keeps leaving to become Haniel without his knowledge. This is because she’s not allowed to tell him she’s an angel.
One day, Rachel was pushed into the pond by Rosalind and Chloe. Haniel retaliate by pushing them both into the lake. Sir Chad, a knight, misunderstood the situation at first and Haniel, thinking he was also one of the bullies, pushed him into the lake. Haniel demand that they apologize to Rachel, and Sir Chad immediately understood the situation. Rachel fainted because Sir Chad was her idol as she also wants to become a knight. After she woke up and clarified it, Haniel apologizes to Sir Chad. Rosalind was so furious she tried to frame Haniel as an animal abuser. Only ML, who dislike Haniel, believe in her innocence in the face of the accusation. The abused animal ran to Haniel, which shows that she can’t be the abuser if the animal goes to her for comfort. Rachel revealed that Haniel feeds the animal, that’s why they run to her. ML also show support for Haniel, so her name was cleared. Haniel secretly found out the real culprit and privately punished him by making him experience what the animals did (being kicked and trampled on). The culprit was one of Rosalind’s three brothers, and he went mad afterward. Rosalind’s family realized it must have been Haniel because the guy kept raving about silver hair and monster.
The sequence of events is a bit confusing, but between the empress candidate drama, Haniel was trying to track down the demons in the palace. She got caught by ML, who was also trying to defeat the demons, and he suspects her of having ties with demon. He made her drink two potions: one to see if she’s a demon and one to make her unable to lie for a period of time. This proves her innocence and also reveal the fact that her hair was natural, something that surprises ML because it’s too coincidental. (She also declared that she wants to mate with ML and have many kids with him because she fell in love with him at first sight, something that scandalized ML) ML stops doubting Haniel around this time, but he still doesn’t quite like her. However, he realizes he can’t keep his mind off her because she accidentally hugged him while hiding from demons and it turns him on, something that shocks him as he was never interested in a woman before.
Rosalind made Chloe’s horse have a seizure when the candidates went out to get honey. A black bear almost attached Chloe, but Haniel secretly helped the black bear leave after getting captured. Rosalind secretly told Chloe that she saw Haniel near the stables recently, so Chloe immediately thought Haniel was guilty. Chloe was having an affair with her sister’s fiance, who helps Chloe scheme against Haniel by hiring an actor to pretend to be Haniel’s abandoned lover and bring along a child for extra drama. ML, of course, does not believe it and had the man imprisoned. The real parents of the child were found shortly after, so the plan didn’t work out for Chloe. However, Haniel arranged for people to uncovered Chloe’s affair. Chloe was thrown out of the palace and her secret lover was executed. Chloe was also killed by her family because she seduced her future brother-in-law. But before that, Haniel made Chloe realize that it was Rosalind who almost got her killed by the black bear, not Haniel, and Chloe broke down realizing she destroyed herself going after the wrong person.
There was a hunting event after, and another one of Rosalind’s brother tried to get Haniel killed through assassins, but she escaped unscathed with her divine power and punished him by making him experience what he tried to do to her (fell into a swamp and shot in the head by arrows, sort of). Haniel then went to ML, thinking he might be in danger from the assassins too. She caught a poisoned arrow directed at ML with her bare hand, but she accidentally knock him to the ground and fell on top of him in the process. She tried to fix the situation by brushing grass off his butt, which scandalized him internally, but she later apologized and it was forgotten. ML really started liking her as she was honest and truly didn’t mean any harm or have ulterior motives for her actions.
There was a banquet, and ML decided to take Haniel as his partner. They went to the terrace to have a private moment and fluffy moment. Haniel learned the dance move by watching the other dancers, then boldly asked ML to dance with her. She did so well she caught everyone’s attention. Rosalind’s last brother, Thiermand, was obsessed with Haniel because she’s so pretty that he want to get her kicked out of the competition to have her for himself. He started casting doubts on Haniel’s identity right in the middle of the banquet. However, ML’s parents came in to reveal that she’s the princess of Sylvia. However, someone from Sylvia said that it’s not true because the princess is only 2 years old. ML’s parents were shock and Haniel confesses that it was lie, then ran off. News start spreading that Haniel is a con-artist.
ML’s people are feeling bad for him because his first love is a scammer, but he doesn’t believe that. ML’s parents came to him and apologized, saying that while they initially felt betrayed, they realize the fault is theirs because Haniel was just an innocent child who was confused and they were the one to push her into becoming an empress candidate. They felt guilty because she ran off crying by herself. Haniel went back to find the black pieces (the fighting demon subplot was confusing, but the demons hiding in the palace was trying to collect them to awaken someone). ML caught her, but he wasn’t mad. He said he still love her and if she wants to marry him, he will lay out a flower path and she doesn’t have to fix anything. He also guessed Haniel’s identity to be a demon hunter. Haniel said she wanted some time (to stop the demons), then left. Around this time, ML realized that Haniel was Phoenix and had a laughing fit, which made his aides worried as they thought it was from heartbreak. Later, it was announced that Haniel was indeed the princess of Sylvia, the sister of the current queen who was kept hidden. Everyone had whiplash from the sudden news, and Haniel was no longer called a fraudster but the future empress. ML helped out Sylvia with their civil war situation in exchange for this.
Haniel, in her bird form, heard this and was surprised. Eventually, she returned to him as a human. Rosalind originally thought she would become the empress because Yenika and Rachel quitted for different reasons, Chloe was dead, and Haniel was declared to be a fraudster. However, the sudden change of tide and a notice saying that Haniel had been selected as Empress drove her mad. On her trip back home, Haniel made her experience what she did to Chloe: falling off her horse and getting charged by a black bear. Rosalind got traumatized, but she didn’t go completely mad like one of her brothers.
The lecherous crown prince from another empire came back to visit, but he had gotten curious about the silver hair girl who punched him, so he lied, saying that he had an affair with a silver hair maid and wanted to visit her. ML got mad, knowing Haniel was innocent, but this lewd guy was interested in his fiancee. Haniel found out about how he preyed on the maids, so she tried to attack him in bird form. Before she could, Durahan and a pack of larger birds sense her intention and did it first and castrated the crown prince. The crown prince tried to raise a ruckus, but birds are sacred in ML’s empire and everyone agreed it was probably a punishment from the goddess for sexually harassing the maids. He was sent home and killed on his way there by a noble who wanted the princess to succeed the throne instead of a sterile prince.
Rosalind’s brother, Thiermand, wanted to make Haniel infertile so she would be abandoned by the emperor and Rosalind can become the empress. He tried to sneak infertility pills into Haniel’s tea by bribing her maids, but Haniel sensed it with divine power and transferred the poison back to the sender. When Rosalind’s family, the duchy, found out they are sterile, they freaked out because it effectively ended their bloodline and ended Rosalind’s chance of becoming empress. Rosalind started suspecting Thiermand because he was the only one “fine” while she and her other brothers were missing or mad. She attacks Theirmand with a knife, but he pushed her into vase, causing her to have brain damage. He had Rosalind locked up and fed a drug to mute her.
The demons were aware that there was an angel on earth and plans to kill her by using a powder that caused divine power to pour out. Instead of Haniel, they encountered ML, who killed them. However, he was affected by the powder and passed out. Haniel, upon hearing that, ran to him and tried to heal him with her divine power. However, he accidentally drained all her divine powers, either the black pieces on ML, or his body, which contains three powers. Haniel realize the identity the demons were trying to reawaken is the ML.
After Haniel lost all her divine powers, her soul return to heaven and she was crying, thinking she was gonna die since all her divine power is gone. The goddess assured her that angels can’t die and Haniel was being upgraded to a full-fledge angel or something, which allows her to use divine powers with less restriction. The goddess also tells Haniel a story: a girl and her younger brother was chosen by the goddess to have a great power, but a jealous noble had them chased out of their village. The younger brother was sick, and the girl was desperate. After a golden hair angel saved the two from getting attacked, she begged him to save her brother as the villagers have the medicine but won’t give it to them. He couldn’t but made a deal with the devil to let him borrow his wings for an hour in exchange for the medicine. The younger brother was cured, and the girl and the angel had a romantic moment. However, they soon realize the village was on fire and the world was being destroyed. The devil used the angel’s wings to destroy the world in only one hour. The devil beckoned to the angel to abandon the goddess and become the leader of demons instead, but the girl stepped forward to protect the angel and unleashed her divine power for the first time to defeat the devil. After the devil was defeated, the girl died, and her soul started fading. The angel tore off his wings and used one to save the girl and one to save her brother. The goddess and the other angels were angry because he made a deal with the devil and almost got the world destroyed, then sacrificed his own wings to save the two. Instead of wiping out his existence, the goddess allows him a chance to redeem himself by making up for his sins. He went around hunting demons (but spared one as it was an unborn child inside a human woman), then went through many reincarnations before finally becoming the emperor. Haniel understands that the girl is her and the bird by ML’s side, Durahan, is her younger brother. She visits the centaur who trained her in combat before returning to earth.
Haniel woke up, much to the joy of ML and his aide. Around the time, Haniel realized that ML had already figured out her identity and was a little miffed that he hid that knowledge from her. They got married, but as per bird tradition, they have to spent one month with Haniel in her bird form at night, so they slept holding hand/wing. Thiermand, Rosalind’s brother, tried to send a beautiful woman to seduce ML. Haniel recognized her as a duck she met while in heaven (her centaur master introduced them before Haniel had to go back to earth), so Haniel took her into her care.
At this time, another king was declared to possess divine powers, which no ordinary human has unless blessed by the goddess. The king, along with some priests, was actually in cahoots with the devil. The remaining high-ranking demons believed Haniel was an angel and tried to confirm this by sending a handsome priest to seduce Haniel and give her a poison that will ruin her body. Haniel somehow missed the poison, but her duck notice and attacked the priest before Haniel could drink it. ML got suspicious, knowing that a very handsome priest tried to visit the empress and deduced that the church was up to no good. Haniel manipulated the priest’s memory, making him think that she drank the poison and wasn’t affected. Duck was returned to heaven since she’s still young.
Later, they all showed up to church to attend a ceremony given by the king with false divine power. The king used demonic magic to transform an innocent person into a demon to instill fear, then opening accused Haniel of being a demon. He tried to transform Haniel the same as he did with the other person, but it didn’t work because Haniel was an angel. Thiermand also spoke up, accusing Haniel of giving infertility pills to Rosalind and how he retaliated by sending them back, which means Haniel is infertile (it’s a lie, of course).
ML pointed out holes in the king’s speech and ask that they confirm the king’s legitimacy using the creed. Haniel stepped up to reveal what divine power really is. She reveals that the other person is not a demon and heals him, then used her divine power to unmask the real demon, the person by the fraudster king’s side. She also unmasked the fraudster king to be a demon too. After everyone understood the truth, they asked the emperor what he meant when he called the empress the creed. To instill faith in the empire, Haniel reveals her angel wings to the people. They were silver wings, which Richard once sacrificed to save her, and she sees them as the wings that will now protect him and his people. At this moment, the unclean angel (ML) who sinned has finally paid off all his sins and was redeemed. Everyone cheered at the fact that the empress is a messenger from the goddess. Then, Haniel transform into Phoenix and flew back to ML. ML reveals that Haniel’s identity as the princess of Sylvia was a lie he spread to hide the fact that Haniel was the creed, but people were so overjoyed that they don’t care about being deceived.
Thiermand and Rosalind’s family was imprisoned on the crimes of attempting to poison the empress. Thiermand reveals to his family that his missing brother is dead as they found his belonging in the swamp where he tried to kill Haniel. Thiermand was then murdered by Rosalind because she blames him for being unbroken. The rest are executed.
Durahan can now transform into human after Haniel revealed her wings. They reunite tearfully. A month has passed, so it’s time for Haniel and ML to have their first night. Haniel is nervous because she doesn’t know what to do, but ML said he is naturally talented at everything and offers to teach her. However, he didn’t realize that angels have to stay in their bird form when pregnant because they raise and nurture their youngs in bird form, so after the first night, Haniel got pregnant and have to stay in bird form for a month. Haniel laid six eggs, so they have six children. So the six birds in the cover are their kids in bird form….the end
Wtf, can’t use the weapon and transform backnuntil it adapt, follow to use the weapon immediately…..and what with the clothes coming out of nowhere now..
[email protected]
Omg more plzzzzz.lzzzzzz😍😍
She’s your future daughter in law 🫶