Jeez dude chill, you’re still 11 yo and she isn’t even on that kind of relationship with him. If he was her real brother you would have been the same so this is a no no
bro is like than when he is just a child, poor dominic just wanted to be frens w you but oh well what will happen when he will know how he gave him medicine hmm~~~
Isn’t just me but, do wizard in this manhwa like a old vampire, can’t enter the house without permission can’t die by swords and guns.
Maybe they need ashwood stakes and pierce their heart for them to die lol
Oh. I thought he was only a tyrant … But he’s also a yandere. Well red is my favorite color.
Oh no…..
Well, red is my favorite color!
Baby boo please do not become the crazy obsessed type those are always annoying
Lavender Moon
Bro needs to chill. He’s barely 11💀
Jeez dude chill, you’re still 11 yo and she isn’t even on that kind of relationship with him. If he was her real brother you would have been the same so this is a no no
ML is showing some serious red flags 🚩
boy sit yo ass down, go back home
Hoho, it seems he is an obsessive, possessive and lunatic ML, LOL
The review saying that this should have a tragedy tag is scaring ne because the signs are starting to appear 😭😭
bro is like than when he is just a child, poor dominic just wanted to be frens w you but oh well what will happen when he will know how he gave him medicine hmm~~~
Boy’s heading deep into being a full yandere already 💀
Ah the flags… they keep growing 😭