She could have used her power before going to the tea party, I mean it was obvious something was gonna happen… or at least make her use her power now, to see about that night
They made a big deal about FL losing her senses due to her power yet when that is supposed to come into play for the plot it doesn’t even matter. On top of that the dumbass shows a lack of concern of what might happened to her and just walks like she didn’t just fell unconscious after drinking tea! She should just use her powers if she’s not gonna use her brain.
I knew this is one of those bad ones because of the art style they’re always poorly written but because she was such a fucking idiot I’m dropping this I’m so annoyed that she fell for it and screwed themselves
She could have used her power before going to the tea party, I mean it was obvious something was gonna happen… or at least make her use her power now, to see about that night
Alisha Pradhan
I really hate you or for making the female lead look so pathetic and powerless you must be a hypocrite. Can you write something better?🤬🤬🤬🤬
When next chapter ?
Frosty Wings
They made a big deal about FL losing her senses due to her power yet when that is supposed to come into play for the plot it doesn’t even matter. On top of that the dumbass shows a lack of concern of what might happened to her and just walks like she didn’t just fell unconscious after drinking tea! She should just use her powers if she’s not gonna use her brain.
I knew this is one of those bad ones because of the art style they’re always poorly written but because she was such a fucking idiot I’m dropping this I’m so annoyed that she fell for it and screwed themselves