The first time he did something useful and she stops him. It it werent for the fact all my current reads havent updated id drop this but i guess i’ll power through till u go through what updated on this
ugh rowena you idiot you should’ve just left her to suffer the consequences omg im so tired of fl’s being overly righteous and won’t allow the bad people to get what they deserve. i was honestly enjoying that scene lol but he’s still sewage water
@Ladybug91 exactly like u guys are not perfect and everyone has their flaws why are they judging just enjoy the series if u can’t just don’t read it
I think it’s best if I just don’t read the comments on this series. People just seem to want perfect ML and FLs
@whattheheck can you stop? I’m just going to assume you’re a kid.
the fl is so stupid ,
The first time he did something useful and she stops him. It it werent for the fact all my current reads havent updated id drop this but i guess i’ll power through till u go through what updated on this
Regardless of how much I enjoyed that retribution, he’s still worse that trash
honestly why r u guys keep saying she’s stupid like I get it she is but imagine being in her position without knowing what’s gonna happen.
baby im not even hallucination
ugh rowena you idiot you should’ve just left her to suffer the consequences omg im so tired of fl’s being overly righteous and won’t allow the bad people to get what they deserve. i was honestly enjoying that scene lol but he’s still sewage water
I hate him so much