Jeez just how long is she planning to keep this up messing with ppl’s hearts lying 🤥 ahh poor cedric and damian too missing out on having a father can’t she see that the man has lost it without her soon enough he might even commit suicide to be with her in death
What will u do then rowena go back to him because u still have feelings for him otherwise u would have already be smitten with cedric 😮💨😑
Mc vasachi
Jeez just how long is she planning to keep this up messing with ppl’s hearts lying 🤥 ahh poor cedric and damian too missing out on having a father can’t she see that the man has lost it without her soon enough he might even commit suicide to be with her in death
What will u do then rowena go back to him because u still have feelings for him otherwise u would have already be smitten with cedric 😮💨😑
My god woman 🙄🙄 ask for help and speak up
Who loves manga
Ugh just leave her alone 😔 🙁