seriously tho he wants to own her as if she’s an object…. didn’t even consider his own child as someone he should care about
he is so obsessed with owning stuff
he didn’t learn from first fall either
and we all know he is the ml so hoping for better character development atleast now coz its very late lol
Yes yes YASSSS !!fu ML seriously FUFU.. finally my FL is happy.. sheesh I can die I’m peace now…no regrets peeps
I love how he’s on sad about Rowena and hasn’t show any concern or sadness over the loss of his son lmfao! This guy is awful!
seriously tho he wants to own her as if she’s an object…. didn’t even consider his own child as someone he should care about
he is so obsessed with owning stuff
he didn’t learn from first fall either
and we all know he is the ml so hoping for better character development atleast now coz its very late lol
Happy for her 😊😊
I don’t know why..but I’m kinda happy that she managed to run away🤣😅
Finally she runaway and the season ends