-_- kill him dead. Murder him slowly and painfully. This sociopath needs to die and the author needs to be punished as well. Just a slap to the wrists with a ruler will do. This is just getting worse by the chapter
Wtf why he must kill3d her child in front of her? He said that she smart enough,did he not think she smart enough to recognize a murderer? And then he killed her too???
I really hate people that hurt animal and kids🤬
read the spoilers…guess what? no one likes him lol or the fl, they say she’s dumb which I agree with sorry. I’m literally only reading this to see when she finally leaves his bitchass, but knowing that a kid will be included is driving me fucking nuts. It feels like authors add in children to make the characters “bond”, they’re like plot devices with zero individuality. And it never really adds anything but pointless drama to the story.
Can we normalize grudges? like creating stories that make the ML the nastiest person possible then flipping the switch and making them act like they’re just traumatized and inexperience people is so unhealthy for people who see this shit as actual real life romance.
Rowena literally signed a slave contract with this man. He saved her in exchange for her body, if he was ugly, he would have been seen as a total pervert and thrown in jail.
And add to that the fact that he did it again when she ran away, bribing her with money as if she needs him to survive, this man is a bad person in and out. Idk what kind of messed up shit he had to go through to turn out as the personification of animal feces.
Direct quote from this man from the novel, “Will you be my mistress again or will you die with your child on the street?” like who sees this as cute? i would’ve been throwing hands and knives at that point.
I apologize for my rant lol i needed to get it out of my system.
If Mr puppy murderer is the ml I’m gonna riot.
I dunno what pisses me off more: him comparing her to a dog, or him treating the dog running off like a betrayal.
sooooo he’s not smart enough to do a check to make sure she’s actually cheating instead of just falling for a rumor he heard from his maid??? he’s completely neurotic isnt he?
Am I the only one whose waiting for FL to get killed or something and get regress for revenge. Hmmm
-_- kill him dead. Murder him slowly and painfully. This sociopath needs to die and the author needs to be punished as well. Just a slap to the wrists with a ruler will do. This is just getting worse by the chapter
Wtf why he must kill3d her child in front of her? He said that she smart enough,did he not think she smart enough to recognize a murderer? And then he killed her too???
I really hate people that hurt animal and kids🤬
Wtf he’s a psychotic bastard 🤬🤬
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
and he’s also an animal killer so nothing is redeemable about this bitch
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
read the spoilers…guess what? no one likes him lol or the fl, they say she’s dumb which I agree with sorry. I’m literally only reading this to see when she finally leaves his bitchass, but knowing that a kid will be included is driving me fucking nuts. It feels like authors add in children to make the characters “bond”, they’re like plot devices with zero individuality. And it never really adds anything but pointless drama to the story.
Can we normalize grudges? like creating stories that make the ML the nastiest person possible then flipping the switch and making them act like they’re just traumatized and inexperience people is so unhealthy for people who see this shit as actual real life romance.
Rowena literally signed a slave contract with this man. He saved her in exchange for her body, if he was ugly, he would have been seen as a total pervert and thrown in jail.
And add to that the fact that he did it again when she ran away, bribing her with money as if she needs him to survive, this man is a bad person in and out. Idk what kind of messed up shit he had to go through to turn out as the personification of animal feces.
Direct quote from this man from the novel, “Will you be my mistress again or will you die with your child on the street?” like who sees this as cute? i would’ve been throwing hands and knives at that point.
I apologize for my rant lol i needed to get it out of my system.
If Mr puppy murderer is the ml I’m gonna riot.
I dunno what pisses me off more: him comparing her to a dog, or him treating the dog running off like a betrayal.
sooooo he’s not smart enough to do a check to make sure she’s actually cheating instead of just falling for a rumor he heard from his maid??? he’s completely neurotic isnt he?
He found the dog that looked like the puppies?
i think he is not the ml… he acts like a villain.
I hate him please let there be a new ML but he’s probably it.
He’s a trash. Don’t u dare to fall in love with her in the end of story u a$$hole!
just kill this man!
What a bitchwhore he is