The Marquis and the Iron Wall Lady - Chapter 4
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You don't have anything in histories
That escalated quickly. Now this guy is plainly taking advantage of the female lead. This whole chapter is full of no-goes:
1. horniness is not a life-threatening disease that has to be “treated”. Better try to get a treatment for the drug instead, since it doesn’t seem harmless if it affects the woman’s consciousness
2. a woman does not need “help” that she never asked for. And why did you also not ask for her consent either?
3. if a woman really feels like her horniness is “unbearable”, then she can take care of it herself
4. having an orgasm does not necessarily stop horniness, especially for women (well, the chapter even tells us about this fact clearly)
5. never rub the sensitive parts of a woman with a cloth, like with gloves! Cloth is quite rough and also absorbs wetness, so this can start to hurt quickly
6. why does this guy have to be a “germaphobe”? What good does it do to let us know that he actually feels bad and has to bring himself to do this (germaphobia can even cause panic attacks!)? Then just DON’T do it at all!