@mystery Why are u blaming your lack to understand on the manwha 🤧😩 the story said she and her brother died (not together) but by their father using them as pawns they said her brother killed her and never specified how he died it could be suicide since we know he loves his sister it’s harimanga the translating are not the best but we still read so y complain?
Maybe in the og story Irinia and Valentin both die but not at the same time or from the same cause? All they said was that they both would die because of their father but it never specified the cause of her brother’s death. That doesn’t mean he didn’t die in og story. But i agree @Mystery that they never said Irinia’s death was also for her brother. So far, the revealed role of Irinia in the og story is the daughter who is supposed to consume poison daily in order to become an insidious embodiment of poison herself. All of that so she will be married to the Duke in direct line to inherit the position of emperor and poison him so that her father may take his position. Next, the role of Valetin as we know so far is to collect the demonic artifacts that will help his father complete the ritual to form a contract with the devil and gain power. We also know that the only reason he has yet to rebel against his father is because his father is exploiting Valentin’s weakness(which is most likely Irinia). Anyways, point is that in all the information presented thus far, Irinia dying for her brother doesn’t add up. She’s not even dying in place of her brother since she was always supposed to be the one drinking the poison. Hopefully whatever the author or translator meant by that last panel will be clarified in upcoming chapters.
hmmm im thinking she’s planning on getting the cure once she gets married to the duke coz it’s in there and she will try to endure the pain. bruh. maybe tell the slime but if i were her ill get worried coz the slime might get hurt while looking for the cure
@mystery Why are u blaming your lack to understand on the manwha 🤧😩 the story said she and her brother died (not together) but by their father using them as pawns they said her brother killed her and never specified how he died it could be suicide since we know he loves his sister it’s harimanga the translating are not the best but we still read so y complain?
@Sheepy sameeeeee
also, i already forgot who valentin is
@D Its crazy that you go that far making theories just to understand the storyline.
Unlike me who doesnt care and just enjoy the manhwa.
Maybe in the og story Irinia and Valentin both die but not at the same time or from the same cause? All they said was that they both would die because of their father but it never specified the cause of her brother’s death. That doesn’t mean he didn’t die in og story. But i agree @Mystery that they never said Irinia’s death was also for her brother. So far, the revealed role of Irinia in the og story is the daughter who is supposed to consume poison daily in order to become an insidious embodiment of poison herself. All of that so she will be married to the Duke in direct line to inherit the position of emperor and poison him so that her father may take his position. Next, the role of Valetin as we know so far is to collect the demonic artifacts that will help his father complete the ritual to form a contract with the devil and gain power. We also know that the only reason he has yet to rebel against his father is because his father is exploiting Valentin’s weakness(which is most likely Irinia). Anyways, point is that in all the information presented thus far, Irinia dying for her brother doesn’t add up. She’s not even dying in place of her brother since she was always supposed to be the one drinking the poison. Hopefully whatever the author or translator meant by that last panel will be clarified in upcoming chapters.
ugh this story is so patchy, in the beginning it said both her and the brother die now she says she dies for her brother smh
I think someone forgot the plot of the story that they wrote. She doesn’t die FOR her brother, they BOTH die for the father.
Just tell him that the cure is in the North!
Seriously, you have no reason to be this cagey.
Rain Trevil
hmmm im thinking she’s planning on getting the cure once she gets married to the duke coz it’s in there and she will try to endure the pain. bruh. maybe tell the slime but if i were her ill get worried coz the slime might get hurt while looking for the cure