yesyesnomaybe I’m fine with her being clueless. I mean she was also clueless with her business, but they make it too obvious who the twist villain is June 25, 2024 at 10:22 am Log in to Reply
I Cant_Sleep Why is she so clueless to the wooing of both of them. You have to be as dense as you a fortress wall not to to have a tinge is suspicion that these guys may have feelings for her! With her looking like a dead fish with low eq of hers June 24, 2024 at 6:08 pm Log in to Reply
I’m fine with her being clueless. I mean she was also clueless with her business, but they make it too obvious who the twist villain is
I Cant_Sleep
Why is she so clueless to the wooing of both of them. You have to be as dense as you a fortress wall not to to have a tinge is suspicion that these guys may have feelings for her! With her looking like a dead fish with low eq of hers