his eyes are like sailormoons lmaooo also THE CONSENT VS THAT FERSEN WHO SHOWS UP UNANNOUNCED EVEN AS A POOR NOBLE IS BAD ETIQUETTE… in nobility, u only show up unannounced if its an emergency or if theyre youre servants even vassals get notifications
She should accept him even as a fake lover for a while so that that basta*d ogml doesn’t bother her
The OGml is doing a better job at being a bitch of this story, what he even does all day? he literally has no life.
The maids 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
his eyes are like sailormoons lmaooo also THE CONSENT VS THAT FERSEN WHO SHOWS UP UNANNOUNCED EVEN AS A POOR NOBLE IS BAD ETIQUETTE… in nobility, u only show up unannounced if its an emergency or if theyre youre servants even vassals get notifications
I mean he asked respectfully. I don’t see why not.
I love that the artist drawing the maid with huge ears…
I honestly pretend to read or drink coffee while I’m eavesdropping XD
Haha like is he going to use her? To trigger people that’s hilarious but that’s what she gets
I am too romantic please help me
ahahahahaha I like that maid, and Fresen lacks braincells acting so violently I can see his end, not by others but by himself same for Seirra
Do it girlll!!!🤸♀️